to invest funds

to invest funds
инвестировать фонды, делать капиталовложения

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "to invest funds" в других словарях:

  • invest — in·vest 1 /in vest/ vt [Medieval Latin investire, from Latin, to clothe, from in in + vestis garment] 1: to install in an office or position 2 a: to furnish with or formally grant power or authority b: to grant someone control or authority over:… …   Law dictionary

  • funds of funds — Funds that are specifically created to invest in a range of other private equity funds. Like feeder funds, they often offer access to investment opportunities not otherwise available to an investor. In addition, they allow investors to diversify… …   Law dictionary

  • invest — v. 1) ( to place money ) to invest heavily 2) (D; intr., tr.) ( to place money ) to invest in (to invest heavily in municipal bonds; to invest surplus funds in stocks) 3) (formal) (d; tr.) ( to entrust ) to invest with (to invest smb. with… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Mutual funds in India — The first introduction of a mutual fund in India occurred in 1963, when the Government of India launched Unit Trust of India (UTI). Until 1987, UTI enjoyed a monopoly in the Indian mutual fund market. Then a host of other government controlled… …   Wikipedia

  • Fund of funds — A fund of funds (FoF) is an investment fund that uses an investment strategy of holding a portfolio of other investment funds rather than investing directly in shares, bonds or other securities. This type of investing is often referred to as… …   Wikipedia

  • List of exchange-traded funds — This is a table of notable exchange traded funds, or ETFs. ETFs in various nations The ETFs available on exchanges vary from country to country. Many of the ETFs listed below are available exclusively on that nation s primary stock exchange and… …   Wikipedia

  • Taxation of private equity and hedge funds — Private equity funds and hedge funds are private investment vehicles used to pool investment capital, usually for a small group of large institutional or wealthy individual investors. They are subject to favorable regulatory treatment in most… …   Wikipedia

  • Utah fund of funds — The Utah Fund of Funds was created by the Utah Legislature to increase the amount and diversity of capital funding available to high growth, early stage companies in the state in an effort to help them grow, prosper and grow up in Utah. Rather… …   Wikipedia

  • Pax World Funds — launched the first socially responsible mutual fund in the United States in 1971. The Funds are dedicated to promoting peace, protecting the environment, advancing equality, and fostering sustainable development. The Funds seek to invest in… …   Wikipedia

  • Federal funds rate — In the United States, the federal funds rate is the interest rate at which depository institutions actively trade balances held at the Federal Reserve, called federal funds, with each other, usually overnight, on an uncollateralized basis.… …   Wikipedia

  • Loanable funds — In economics, the loanable funds market is a hypothetical market that brings savers and borrowers together, also bringing together the money available in commercial banks and lending institutions available for firms and households to finance… …   Wikipedia

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