to hold shares in a company

to hold shares in a company
иметь акции какой-л. компании

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "to hold shares in a company" в других словарях:

  • Shares outstanding — are common shares that have been authorized, issued, and purchased by investors. They have voting rights and represent ownership in the corporation by the person or institution that holds the shares. They should be distinguished from treasury… …   Wikipedia

  • hold rating — ➔ rating * * * hold rating UK US noun [C] ► STOCK MARKET a suggestion that someone should not sell the shares that they own in a company, but that they should not buy any new shares: »Despite falling sales, Citigroup is keeping its hold rating… …   Financial and business terms

  • hold — A process by which a bank restricts funds deposited by checks. Usually but not always used to restrict the proceeds of checks drawn on other banks until the funds have been transferred by the drawor s bank to an account that the depositor s bank… …   Financial and business terms

  • hold — /həυld/ noun the action of keeping something ♦ these shares are a hold these shares should be kept and not sold ■ verb 1. to own or to keep something ● He holds 10% of the company’s shares. 2. to make something happen ● The receiver will hold an… …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • hold — hold1 W1S1 [həuld US hould] v past tense and past participle held [held] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(in your hand/arms)¦ 2¦(event)¦ 3¦(keep something in position)¦ 4¦(job/title)¦ 5¦(keep/store)¦ 6¦(keep something available for somebody)¦ 7¦(keep somebody… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • hold on — /ˌhəυld ɒn/ verb to wait, not to change ♦ the company’s shareholders should hold on and wait for a better offer they should keep their shares and not sell them until they are offered a higher price …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • Unfair prejudice in United Kingdom company law — is a statutory form of action that may be brought by aggrieved shareholders against their company. Under the Companies Act 2006 the relevant provision is s.994, the identical successor to s.459 Companies Act 1985. Unfair prejudice actions have… …   Wikipedia

  • Public limited company — A Public Limited Company ( PLC, p.l.c. or plc or p l c) is a type of limited company in the United Kingdom or the Republic of Ireland which is permitted to offer its shares to the public. The designation was introduced in the U.K. by the… …   Wikipedia

  • Offshore company — The term offshore company is ambiguous. It may refer to either: A company which is incorporated outside the jurisdiction of its primary operations regardless of whether that jurisdiction is an offshore financial centre (sometimes known as a non… …   Wikipedia

  • Privately held company — A privately held company or close corporation is a business company owned either by non governmental organizations or by a relatively small number of shareholders or company members which does not offer or trade its company stock (shares) to the… …   Wikipedia

  • Proprietary company — A proprietary company is a form of corporation in Australia that is limited by shares. However, unlike a public company there are, depending on jurisdiction, restrictions on what they can and cannot do.In Australia, a proprietary company is… …   Wikipedia

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