declare oneself — (Roget s IV) v. Syn. make an announcement, make a pronouncement, take a stand, assert oneself; see advertise 1 , declare 1 … English dictionary for students
declare oneself — reveal one s intentions or identity. → declare … English new terms dictionary
declare oneself — show one s hand to the other players (Cards); express an opinion … English contemporary dictionary
declare oneself as a party — announce one s intent to form a political party … English contemporary dictionary
declare oneself — verb ask (someone) to marry you he popped the question on Sunday night she proposed marriage to the man she had known for only two months The old bachelor finally declared himself to the young woman • Syn: ↑propose, ↑offer, ↑pop the question … Useful english dictionary
declare — [dē kler′, dikler′] vt. declared, declaring [ME declaren < OFr declarer < L declarare < de , intens. + clarare, to make clear < clarus, CLEAR] 1. to make clearly known; state or announce openly, formally, etc. 2. to show or reveal 3.… … English World dictionary
declare — ► VERB 1) announce solemnly or officially. 2) (declare oneself) reveal one s intentions or identity. 3) (declared) having admitted that one is the specified thing: a declared atheist. 4) acknowledge possession of (income or goods on which tax or… … English terms dictionary
declare — verb 1》 announce solemnly or officially; make clearly known. ↘(declare for/against) Brit. openly support or oppose. ↘announce oneself as a candidate for an election. ↘announce that one holds (certain combinations of cards) in a card… … English new terms dictionary
declare — v. 1 tr. announce openly or formally (declare war; declare a dividend). 2 tr. pronounce (a person or thing) to be something (declared him to be an impostor; declared it invalid). 3 tr. (usu. foll. by that + clause) assert emphatically; state… … Useful english dictionary
declare in — v. declare oneself as a candidate … English contemporary dictionary
declare war — 1. (with on or against) to announce formally that one is about to begin hostilities 2. To set oneself to get rid of (figurative) • • • Main Entry: ↑war * * * declare war : to officially decide to fight or go to war Congress has the power to… … Useful english dictionary