to begin with
Смотреть что такое "to begin with" в других словарях:
begin with — • begin with • start with at first; first of all; at the beginning … Idioms and examples
begin with — phr verb Begin with is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑paragraph, ↑word Begin with is used with these nouns as the object: ↑vowel … Collocations dictionary
begin\ with — • (to) begin with • (to) start with adv. phr. As a preliminary statement; in the first place. To begin with, you are far too young to get married … Словарь американских идиом
begin with — {adv. phr.} As a preliminary statement; in the first place. * /To begin with, you are far too young to get married./ … Dictionary of American idioms
begin with — {adv. phr.} As a preliminary statement; in the first place. * /To begin with, you are far too young to get married./ … Dictionary of American idioms
to begin with — adverb before now (Freq. 3) why didn t you tell me in the first place? • Syn: ↑in the first place, ↑earlier, ↑in the beginning, ↑originally * * * at first ■ in the first place such a fate is unlikely to befall him: to begin with, his is a genuine … Useful english dictionary
(to) begin with — to beˈgin with idiom 1. at first • I found it tiring to begin with but I soon got used to it. • We ll go slowly to begin with. 2. used to introduce the first point you want to make • ‘What was it you didn t like?’ ‘Well, to begin … Useful english dictionary
to begin with — 1) spoken used for introducing the first thing in a list of things you are going to say Why were you annoyed? Well, to begin with, I missed my train. 2) before or during the first part of an activity or process How did you get involved to begin… … English dictionary
(to) begin with — first or most importantly. To begin with, I don t have enough money to take a trip to Europe this summer. Related vocabulary: for starters, for openers … New idioms dictionary
begin with — have as a first element. → begin … English new terms dictionary
begin — [bē gin′, bigin′] vi. began, begun, beginning [ME biginnen < OE beginnan; akin to Ger beginnen, Goth duginnan] 1. to start doing, acting, going, etc.; get under way 2. to come into being; arise 3. to have a first part or element [the Bible… … English World dictionary