to become bankrupt
Смотреть что такое "to become bankrupt" в других словарях:
become bankrupt — index fail (lose), overdraw Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
bankrupt — [baŋk′rupt΄, baŋk′rəpt] n. [Fr banqueroute < It banca rotta < banca, bench (see BANK1) + rotta, broken < L rupta, fem. pp. of rumpere, to break: see RUPTURE] 1. a person legally declared unable to pay his or her debts: the property of a… … English World dictionary
bankrupt — a debtor, who has volunteered or been forced to appear before a Bankruptcy Court and has been judged insolvent, because s/he has insufficient assets to meet the demands of all creditors. Glossary of Business Terms * * * ▪ I. bankrupt bank‧rupt 1… … Financial and business terms
bankrupt — / bæŋkrʌpt/ noun, adjective (a person) who has been declared by a court not to be capable of paying his or her debts and whose affairs are put into the hands of a receiver ● a bankrupt property developer ● She was adjudicated or declared bankrupt … Dictionary of banking and finance
bankrupt — /ˈbæŋkrʌpt / (say bangkrupt) noun 1. Law a person who upon his or her own petition or that of his or her creditors is adjudged insolvent by a court, and whose property is therefore to be administered by a trustee for the benefit of the creditors… …
bankrupt — adj. VERBS ▪ be ▪ become, go ▪ Hundreds of companies went bankrupt during the recession. ▪ declare sb, make sb ▪ … Collocations dictionary
bankrupt — The state or condition of a person (individual, partnership, corporation, municipality) who is unable to pay its debts as they are, or become, due. The condition of one whose circumstances are such that he is entitled to take the benefit of the… … Black's law dictionary
bankrupt — The state or condition of a person (individual, partnership, corporation, municipality) who is unable to pay its debts as they are, or become, due. The condition of one whose circumstances are such that he is entitled to take the benefit of the… … Black's law dictionary
go bankrupt — verb To become bankrupt. Several thousand companies go bankrupt in the UK each year. Syn: go bust, go under, go belly up … Wiktionary
go bankrupt — become insolvent, declare legal inability to pay off debts, go broke … English contemporary dictionary
undischarged bankrupt — A person whose bankruptcy has not been discharged. Such persons must not obtain credit (above £500) without first informing their creditors that they are undischarged bankrupts, become directors of companies, or trade under another name.… … Accounting dictionary