to be sure!

to be sure!
безусловно, конечно ;

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "to be sure!" в других словарях:

  • Sure Start — logo Sure Start is a UK Government initiative applying in England, originating with HM Treasury, with the aim of giving children the best possible start in life through improvement of childcare, early education, health and family support, with an …   Wikipedia

  • Sure — Sure, a. [Compar. {Surer}; superl. {Surest}.] [OE. sur, OF. se[ u]r, F. s[^u]r, L. securus; se aside, without + cura care. See {Secure}, and cf. {Assure}, {Insure}, {Sicker} sure.] 1. Certainly knowing and believing; confident beyond doubt;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sure (riviere) — Sûre (rivière) Sûre La Sûre à Echternach au Luxembourg. Caractéristiques Longueur 206 km Bassin …   Wikipédia en Français

  • sure — [shoor] adj.. surer surest th [OFr .seur < L securus: see SECURE] 1. Obs. secure or safe 2. that will not fail; always effective [a sure method] 3. that can be relied upon; trustworthy [a sure friend] …   English World dictionary

  • sure — ► ADJECTIVE 1) completely confident that one is right. 2) (sure of/to do) certain to receive, get, or do. 3) undoubtedly true; completely reliable. 4) steady and confident. ► ADVERB informal ▪ certainly …   English terms dictionary

  • Sure — or SURE may refer to: * sure as probability, see certainty * Sure (brand), the brand by Unilever * Sure, a telephone company operating in the British Crown dependencies * Sure, a Chilean based film company * Stein s unbiased risk estimate (SURE) …   Wikipedia

  • sure — sure, surely 1. In all parts of the English speaking world, surely is the dominant form in the meaning ‘in a sure or certain manner’ (slowly but surely) and in the use inviting or presupposing agreement (Surely that can t be right). In BrE, sure… …   Modern English usage

  • sure-footed — [shoor′foot′id] adj. 1. not likely to stumble, slip, or fall 2. not likely to err; skillful, competent, etc.: Also written surefooted sure footedly adv. sure footedness n. * * * sure foot·ed or sure·foot·ed ( …   Universalium

  • Sure — Sûre Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sûre est le féminin de l adjectif sûr qui peut être employé pour qualifier ce qui a rapport à la sûreté. Depuis les rectifications orthographiques de …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Sure canción — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «sure» Sencillo de Every Little Thing del álbum eternity Publicación 16 de febrero, 2000 Formato Maxi single …   Wikipedia Español

  • sure — c.1300, safe, secure, later mentally certain (mid 15c.), from O.Fr. sur, seur safe, secure, from L. securus free from care, untroubled, heedless, safe (see SECURE (Cf. secure)). Pronunciation development followed that of SUGAR (Cf. sugar). As an… …   Etymology dictionary

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