- to a considerable degree
- в значительной степени
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
degree — noun 1 measurement of angles VERB + DEGREE ▪ rotate, spin, turn ▪ I turned the wheel 90 degrees, PREPOSITION ▪ through … degrees ▪ … Collocations dictionary
considerable — I. adjective Date: circa 1619 1. worth consideration ; significant < a considerable artist > 2. large in extent or degree < a considerable number > • considerably adverb II … New Collegiate Dictionary
degree — degreed, adj. degreeless, adj. /di gree /, n. 1. any of a series of steps or stages, as in a process or course of action; a point in any scale. 2. a stage or point in or as if in progression or retrogression: We followed the degrees of her… … Universalium
considerable — [[t]kənsɪ̱dərəb(ə)l[/t]] ♦♦ ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n Considerable means great in amount or degree. [FORMAL] To be without Pearce would be a considerable blow... Doing it properly makes considerable demands on our time... Vets fees can be… … English dictionary
considerable — con|sid|er|a|ble [ kən sıd(ə)rəbl ] adjective ** large in size, amount, or degree: a considerable amount of money a matter of considerable importance to all of us … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
considerable */*/*/ — UK [kənˈsɪd(ə)rəb(ə)l] / US adjective large in size, amount, or degree a considerable amount of money a matter of considerable importance to all of us … English dictionary
considerable*/ — [kənˈsɪd(ə)rəb(ə)l] adj large in size, amount, or degree a considerable amount of money[/ex] a matter of considerable importance[/ex] … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
degree — noun 1》 the amount, level, or extent to which something happens or is present. 2》 a unit of measurement of angles, equivalent to one ninetieth of a right angle. (Symbol: °) 3》 a unit in any of various scales of temperature, intensity, or hardness … English new terms dictionary
considerable — adj. Considerable is used with these nouns: ↑accomplishment, ↑accuracy, ↑achievement, ↑acumen, ↑advance, ↑advantage, ↑agility, ↑alarm, ↑amount, ↑antiquity, ↑anxiety, ↑ … Collocations dictionary
Honorary degree — For other degrees, see Academic degree. Not to be confused with an honours degree. An honorary degree[1] or a degree honoris causa (Latin: for the sake of the honour ) is an academic degree for which a university (or other degree awarding… … Wikipedia
Engineer's degree — An engineer s degree is a graduate academic degree intermediate in rank between a master s degree and a doctoral degree in the United States. In Europe, it can be an approximately five year degree roughly equivalent to a master s degree. The… … Wikipedia