tire inflation

tire inflation
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tire inflation" в других словарях:

  • Tire — This article is about tires used on road vehicles, including pneumatic tires and solid tires. For railroad tires, see railway tires. For other uses, see tire (disambiguation) or tyre.Tires, or tyres (in American and British English, respectively) …   Wikipedia

  • Tire-pressure monitoring system — A tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) is an electronic system designed to monitor the air pressure inside the pneumatic tires on various types of vehicles. The system is also sometimes referred to as a tire pressure indication system (TPIS).… …   Wikipedia

  • Tire maintenance — Friction from moving contact with the road causes the tread on the outer perimeter of the tire to eventually wear away. When the tire tread becomes too shallow, the tire is worn out and should be replaced. The same wheels can usually be used… …   Wikipedia

  • inflation — 01. Because of [inflation], prices have gone up considerably for almost everything. 02. Karen [inflated] her costs when she applied for a student loan in order to be sure to get enough money for the school year. 03. The [inflationary] pressures… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • Tire uniformity — refers to the dynamic mechanical properties of pneumatic tires as strictly defined by a set of measurement standards and test conditions accepted by global tire and car makers. These measurement standards include the parameters of radial force… …   Wikipedia

  • Tire rotation — or rotating tires is the practice of moving automobile wheels and tires from one position on the car, to another, to ensure even tire wear. Tire wear is uneven for any number of reasons. [ [http://www.partsamerica.com/Maintenance/MaintenanceTirePr… …   Wikipedia

  • Tire code — Automobile tires are described by an alphanumeric tire code (in American English) or tyre code (in British English, Australian English and others), which is generally molded into the sidewall of the tire. This code specifies the dimensions of the …   Wikipedia

  • Inflation — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Inflation (homonymie). Estimation des taux d inflation dans le monde en 2010 L inflation est une baisse durable de la valeur de la …   Wikipédia en Français

  • tire creep — A white mark painted on the sidewalls of a newly fitted tire and continued to the wheel rim. It detects the movement of the tire, which varies according to the load, inflation pressure, braking, and shimmying. The width of the creep mark… …   Aviation dictionary

  • tire rate — the static rate measured by the change of wheel load per unit vertical displacement of the wheel relative to the ground at a specified load and inflation pressure …   Mechanics glossary

  • inflation pressure — See tire pressure …   Dictionary of automotive terms

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