Tippet — Tip pet, n. [OE. tipet, tepet, AS. t[ae]ppet, probably fr. L. tapete tapestry, hangings. Cf. {Tape}, {Tapestry}, {Tapet}.] 1. A cape, or scarflike garment for covering the neck, or the neck and shoulders, usually made of fur, cloth, or other warm … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tippet — c.1300, of unknown origin; perhaps from O.E. tæppet carpet, hanging … Etymology dictionary
tippet — [tip′it] n. [ME tipet, prob. dim. of tip, TIP1] 1. former a long, hanging part of a hood, cape, or sleeve 2. a scarflike garment of fur, wool, etc. for the neck and shoulders, hanging down in front 3. a long, black scarf worn as by members of the … English World dictionary
Tippet — A tippet is a stole or scarf like narrow piece of clothing, worn around the arms and above the elbow. They evolved in the fourteenth century from long sleeves and typically had one end hanging down to the knees. In later fashion, a tippet is… … Wikipedia
tippet — /tip it/, n. 1. a scarf, usually of fur or wool, for covering the neck, or the neck and shoulders, and usually having ends hanging down in front. Cf. stole2 (def. 2). 2. Eccles. a band of silk or the like worn around the neck with the ends… … Universalium
Tippet — A long piece of material, like a scarf, or streamer, worn at the neck or arm, sometimes attached to a hood. It was also like a small cape and was worn like a shawl. These latter were worn both by men and women, plain and fancy. In the 19c a… … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
Tippet (disambiguation) — Tippet may have several of the following meanings:* Tippet scarf like garment. * Tippet a bird s plumage or other animal s fur around the neck. * Tippet is the lightest end section of leader to which a artificial fly is tied for fly fishing. *… … Wikipedia
Tippet grebe — Tippet Tip pet, n. [OE. tipet, tepet, AS. t[ae]ppet, probably fr. L. tapete tapestry, hangings. Cf. {Tape}, {Tapestry}, {Tapet}.] 1. A cape, or scarflike garment for covering the neck, or the neck and shoulders, usually made of fur, cloth, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tippet grouse — Tippet Tip pet, n. [OE. tipet, tepet, AS. t[ae]ppet, probably fr. L. tapete tapestry, hangings. Cf. {Tape}, {Tapestry}, {Tapet}.] 1. A cape, or scarflike garment for covering the neck, or the neck and shoulders, usually made of fur, cloth, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tippet grouse — Ruffed Ruffed, a. Furnished with a ruff. [1913 Webster] {Ruffed grouse} (Zo[ o]l.), a North American grouse ({Bonasa umbellus}) common in the wooded districts of the Northern United States. The male has a ruff of brown or black feathers on each… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tippet — noun Etymology: Middle English tipet Date: 14th century 1. a long hanging end of cloth attached to a sleeve, cap, or hood 2. a shoulder cape of fur or cloth often with hanging ends 3. a long black scarf worn over the robe by Anglican clergymen… … New Collegiate Dictionary