- tip-tilted
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
tip-tilted — adjective (used of noses) turned up at the end a retrousse nose a small upturned nose • Syn: ↑retrousse, ↑upturned • Similar to: ↑shapely … Useful english dictionary
tip-tilt — ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ transitive verb : to tilt or turn up at the tip usually used in past part. the scales tip tilted with a slight excessive weight J.G.Neihardt the mountain field tip tilted by reason of its steepness Willa Cather his nose was tip tilted… … Useful english dictionary
tip´si|ness — tip|sy «TIHP see», adjective, si|er, si|est. 1. tipping easily; unsteady; tilted. 2. somewhat intoxicated, but not thoroughly drunk: »He was so tipsy that he wept upon my shoulder (Ro … Useful english dictionary
tip´si|ly — tip|sy «TIHP see», adjective, si|er, si|est. 1. tipping easily; unsteady; tilted. 2. somewhat intoxicated, but not thoroughly drunk: »He was so tipsy that he wept upon my shoulder (Ro … Useful english dictionary
tip|sy — «TIHP see», adjective, si|er, si|est. 1. tipping easily; unsteady; tilted. 2. somewhat intoxicated, but not thoroughly drunk: »He was so tipsy that he wept upon my shoulder (Ro … Useful english dictionary
tip-cart — tipˈ cart noun A cart emptied by being tilted up • • • Main Entry: ↑tip … Useful english dictionary
tip|pa|ble — tip|pa|ble1 «TIHP uh buhl», adjective. that can be tipped, tilted, or overturned. ╂[< tip2 + able] tip|pa|ble2 «TIHP uh buhl», adjective. that can be tipped, or given a gratuity. ╂[< tip3 + able] … Useful english dictionary
tip table — noun a pedestal table whose top is hinged so that it can be tilted to a vertical position • Syn: ↑tilt top table, ↑tip top table • Hypernyms: ↑pedestal table * * * noun : tip top table * * * tip table … Useful english dictionary
tip-top table — noun a pedestal table whose top is hinged so that it can be tilted to a vertical position • Syn: ↑tilt top table, ↑tip table • Hypernyms: ↑pedestal table * * * ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun : a table whose top is hinged to tip to a vertical position called… … Useful english dictionary
tip truck — /ˈtɪp trʌk/ (say tip truk) noun a truck whose body can be tilted to discharge the contents. Also, dump truck …
TIP — 1. Thrust Inlet Pressure Contributor: CASI 2. Tilted Payload Contributor: GSFC 3. Tiros Information Processor Contributor: CASI 4. Transit Improvement Program Contributor: CASI … NASA Acronyms