
ˈtɪnɪ прил.
1) оловоносный, оловосодержащий
2) имеющий привкус жести, с металлическим привкусом
3) издающий резкий металлический звук
4) живоп. жесткий (о колорите) (геология) оловоносный;
оловосодержащий имеющий привкус жести;
с металлическим привкусом металлический - * sound металлический звук (сленг) богатый, денежный жесткий (о колорите) tinny жив. жесткий (о колорите) ~ издающий резкий металлический звук ~ имеющий привкус жести ~ оловоносный, оловосодержащий

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tinny" в других словарях:

  • tinny — [tin′ē] adj. tinnier, tinniest 1. of, containing, or yielding tin 2. like tin in appearance or strength; bright but cheap; not well made [tinny jewelry] 3. of or like the sound made in striking a tin object; specif., having a high pitched sound… …   English World dictionary

  • Tinny — Tin ny, a. Pertaining to, abounding with, or resembling, tin. The tinny strand. Drayton. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • tinny — 1550s, from TIN (Cf. tin) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Used figuratively (of sounds, etc.) since 1877 …   Etymology dictionary

  • tinny — ► ADJECTIVE 1) having a thin, metallic sound. 2) made of thin or poor quality metal. 3) having an unpleasantly metallic taste. 4) Austral./NZ informal lucky. [ORIGIN: from tin in the sense «luck», literally «money, cash».] ► NOUN (pl. tinnies) A …   English terms dictionary

  • tinny — UK [ˈtɪnɪ] / US adjective Word forms tinny : adjective tinny comparative tinnier superlative tinniest 1) a tinny sound is high and unpleasant a cheap radio playing tinny music 2) tinny objects are made from thin metal of bad quality a tinny… …   English dictionary

  • tinny — [[t]tɪ̱ni[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED If you describe a sound as tinny, you mean that it has an irritating, high pitched quality. He could hear the tinny sound of a radio playing a pop song. ...a small tinny voice. 2) ADJ GRADED If you use tinny to… …   English dictionary

  • tinny — tin|ny [ tıni ] adjective 1. ) a tinny sound is high and unpleasant: a cheap radio playing tinny music 2. ) tinny objects are made from thin metal of bad quality: a tinny little car …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • tinny — adjective (tinnier; est) Date: 1552 1. of, abounding in, or yielding tin 2. a. resembling tin b. light, cheap c. lacking depth or substance ; empty < tinny arguments > 3 …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • tinny — adjective a) Of or pertaining to or resembling tin. The object had a tinny appearance. b) Pertaining to the thinness and cheapness of tin or similar looking metals, in contrast to a heavier, more valuable metal. The shop was filled with tinny… …   Wiktionary

  • tinny — tin|ny [ˈtıni] adj a tinny sound is high, weak, and unpleasant, and sounds like it is coming out of something made of metal ▪ tinny music …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • tinny — adjective 1 a tinny sound is unpleasant to listen to, like small pieces of metal hitting each other 2 a tinny metal object is badly or cheaply made …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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