

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tinnier" в других словарях:

  • tinnier — tin·ny || tɪnɪ adj. metallic; of or about tin …   English contemporary dictionary

  • tinny — adjective (tinnier; est) Date: 1552 1. of, abounding in, or yielding tin 2. a. resembling tin b. light, cheap c. lacking depth or substance ; empty < tinny arguments > 3 …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • tinny — tinnily, adv. tinniness, n. /tin ee/, adj., tinnier, tinniest. 1. of or like tin. 2. containing tin. 3. lacking in timbre or resonance; sounding thin or twangy: a tinny piano. 4. not strong or durable; flimsy; shoddy. 5. having the ta …   Universalium

  • tinny — adjective (tinnier, tinniest) 1》 having a thin, metallic sound. 2》 made of thin or poor quality metal. 3》 having an unpleasantly metallic taste. 4》 Austral./NZ informal lucky. noun (also tinnie) (plural tinnies) Austral./NZ informal a can of beer …   English new terms dictionary

  • tinny — UK [ˈtɪnɪ] / US adjective Word forms tinny : adjective tinny comparative tinnier superlative tinniest 1) a tinny sound is high and unpleasant a cheap radio playing tinny music 2) tinny objects are made from thin metal of bad quality a tinny… …   English dictionary

  • tinny — I. /ˈtɪni / (say tinee) adjective (tinnier, tinniest) 1. of or like tin. 2. containing tin. 3. characteristic of tin, as sounds; lacking resonance. 4. not strong or durable. 5. having the taste of tin. –noun 6. → tinnie. {tin + n + y1} –ti …  

  • tinny — [tin′ē] adj. tinnier, tinniest 1. of, containing, or yielding tin 2. like tin in appearance or strength; bright but cheap; not well made [tinny jewelry] 3. of or like the sound made in striking a tin object; specif., having a high pitched sound… …   English World dictionary

  • tinny — adj. & n. adj. (tinnier, tinniest) 1 of or like tin. 2 (of a metal object) flimsy, insubstantial. 3 a sounding like struck tin. b (of reproduced sound) thin and metallic, lacking low frequencies. 4 Austral. sl. lucky. n. (also tinnie) (pl. ies)… …   Useful english dictionary

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