tinned food
Смотреть что такое "tinned food" в других словарях:
tinned — [tınd] adj [usually before noun] BrE tinned food is food that is sold in small metal containers which can be kept for a long time before they are opened American Equivalent: canned ▪ tinned tomatoes … Dictionary of contemporary English
food — W1S1 [fu:d] n [: Old English; Origin: foda] 1.) [U and C] things that people and animals eat, such as vegetables or meat ▪ The restaurant serves good food at affordable prices. ▪ Try not to eat too much spicy food . ▪ I love Italian food ,… … Dictionary of contemporary English
tinned — [[t]tɪ̱nd[/t]] ADJ: usu ADJ n Tinned food is food that has been preserved by being sealed in a tin. [mainly BRIT] ...tinned tomatoes. ...tinned salmon. (in AM, usually use canned) … English dictionary
tinned — adjective BrE tinned food is sold in a tin 1 (2) and can be kept for a long time before it is opened: tinned tomatoes … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
tinned — UK [tɪnd] / US adjective British tinned food has been preserved in metal containers. The American word is canned tinned tomatoes/peaches … English dictionary
food */*/*/ — UK [fuːd] / US [fud] noun Word forms food : singular food plural foods [uncountable] the things that people or animals eat Prices of food and clothing have risen dramatically in recent years. All the food is cooked and served by volunteer helpers … English dictionary
tinned — [tɪnd] adj British tinned food has been preserved in a metal container Syn: canned … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
tinned goods — noun food preserved by canning • Syn: ↑canned food, ↑canned foods, ↑canned goods • Hypernyms: ↑foodstuff, ↑food product • Hyponyms: ↑canned meat, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
food — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ delicious, excellent, good, great, superb, tasty, wonderful ▪ favourite/favorite ▪ decent … Collocations dictionary
food product — noun a substance that can be used or prepared for use as food • Syn: ↑foodstuff • Hypernyms: ↑food, ↑nutrient • Hyponyms: ↑starches, ↑breadstuff, ↑coloring, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
tinned — adj. Tinned is used with these nouns: ↑food, ↑fruit, ↑ham, ↑meat, ↑pea, ↑pineapple, ↑salmon, ↑soup, ↑spaghetti, ↑tomato, ↑vegetables … Collocations dictionary