Смотреть что такое "timorous" в других словарях:
Timorous — Tim or*ous, a. [LL. timorosus, from L. timor fear; akin to timere to fear. See {Timid}.] 1. Fearful of danger; timid; deficient in courage. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. Indicating, or caused by, fear; as, timorous doubts. The timorous apostasy of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
timorous — index diffident, recreant Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
timorous — mid 15c., from O.Fr. temeros (14c.), from M.L. timorosus fearful, from L. timor fear, from timere to fear. Some early sense confused by mistaken identification with M.E. temerous rash (see TEMERITY (Cf. temerity)) … Etymology dictionary
timorous — *timid Analogous words: *fearful, apprehensive, afraid: recoiling, shrinking, quailing, blenching (see RECOIL): trembling, quivering, shivering, shuddering (see SHAKE) Antonyms: assured … New Dictionary of Synonyms
timorous — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ lacking in courage or confidence; nervous. DERIVATIVES timorously adverb timorousness noun. ORIGIN Latin timorosus, from timor fear … English terms dictionary
timorous — [tim′ər es] adj. [ME tymerouse < MFr timoreus < ML timorosus < L timor, fear] 1. full of or subject to fear; timid 2. showing or caused by timidity SYN. AFRAID timorously adv. timorousness n … English World dictionary
timorous — [[t]tɪ̱mərəs[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED If you describe someone as timorous, you mean that they are frightened and nervous of other people and situations. [LITERARY] He is a reclusive, timorous creature. Syn: timid 2) ADJ GRADED (disapproval) If you… … English dictionary
timorous — adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin timorosus, from Latin timor fear, from timēre to fear Date: 15th century 1. of a timid disposition ; fearful < reproached myself with being so timorous and cautious Daniel Defoe > 2.… … New Collegiate Dictionary
timorous — timorously, adv. timorousness, n. /tim euhr euhs/, adj. 1. full of fear; fearful: The noise made them timorous. 2. subject to fear; timid. 3. characterized by or indicating fear: a timorous whisper. [1400 50; late ME < ML timorosus (L timor (s.… … Universalium
timorous — tim|o|rous [ˈtımərəs] adj formal [Date: 1400 1500; : Old French; Origin: timoureux, from Medieval Latin timorosus, from Latin timor fear , from timere to be afraid ] lacking confidence and easily frightened = ↑fearful ▪ She was no helpless,… … Dictionary of contemporary English
timorous — adjective formal lacking confidence and easily frightened: She was no helpless, timorous female. timorously adverb timorousness noun (U) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English