Смотреть что такое "times-out" в других словарях:
nine times out of ten/99 times out of 100 — ► used to say that something nearly always happens in a particular way or nearly always produces a particular result: »Nine times out of ten, if you propose an idea, someone will argue with it. Main Entry: ↑time … Financial and business terms
99 times out of 100 — nine times out of ten/99 times out of 100 ► used to say that something nearly always happens in a particular way or nearly always produces a particular result: »Nine times out of ten, if you propose an idea, someone will argue with it. Main Entry … Financial and business terms
nine times out of ten — nine times out of ten/99 times out of 100 ► used to say that something nearly always happens in a particular way or nearly always produces a particular result: »Nine times out of ten, if you propose an idea, someone will argue with it. Main Entry … Financial and business terms
nine times out of ten — phrase nearly always Nine times out of ten your first choice turns out to be the right one. Thesaurus: usuallysynonym Main entry: nine … Useful english dictionary
nine times out of ten — When something happens nine times out of ten, it is what usually happens. The public transport system is very bad. Trains arrive late nine times out of ten … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
ninety-nine times out of a hundred — informal : almost always Ninety nine times out of a hundred, you can fix the problem by restarting the computer. • • • Main Entry: ↑hundred … Useful english dictionary
nine times out of ten — almost always. Nine times out of ten when you re dreading an occasion it turns out to be perfectly all right … New idioms dictionary
nine times out of ten — nearly always Nine times out of ten your first choice turns out to be the right one … English dictionary
nine times out of ten — 90% of the time, very often Jack wins at cribbage nine times out of ten. He s very lucky … English idioms
Out of Africa (film) — Out of Africa Theatrical release poster Directed by Sydney Pollack Produced by … Wikipedia
Times Square Ball — Ball drop redirects here. For a listing of other ball drops or raisings around the world, see List of objects dropped on New Year s Eve. The Centennial version of the ball as seen at Macy s in Herald Square in preparation for the 2008 drop. The… … Wikipedia