time-worker — timeˈ worker noun • • • Main Entry: ↑time … Useful english dictionary
part-time worker — A worker not identified as a full time worker according to the custom and practice of the employer in relation to workers employed under the same type of contract. Related links custom and practice Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and … Law dictionary
worker — work‧er [ˈwɜːkə ǁ ˈwɜːrkər] noun [countable] HUMAN RESOURCES one of the people who work for an organization or business, and are below the level of manager: • There are new health and safety regulations for factory workers. • Many office workers… … Financial and business terms
worker — Synonyms and related words: actor, agent, ant, architect, army ant, artisan, assistant, author, bee, black ant, blue collar worker, brainworker, brassworker, breadwinner, bumblebee, carpenter ant, casual, casual laborer, clothworker, common… … Moby Thesaurus
Worker-Priest — was a missionary initiative by the French Catholic Church in particular for priests to take up work in such places as car factories to experience the everyday life of the working class. A worker priest was any priest who was freed from parochial… … Wikipedia
Time-and-a-half — is when a worker (or workers) is paid 1.5 times their usual hourly rate. It is usually paid as an incentive to work on a particular day (e.g. on Sundays) or as government mandated compensation for having workers work on particular days (e.g.… … Wikipedia
worker — worker, workman, workingman, laborer, craftsman, handicraftsman, mechanic, artisan, hand, operative, roustabout can all mean one who earns his living by labor, especially by manual labor. Worker, the most comprehensive and least specific of these … New Dictionary of Synonyms
worker priest — noun A priest in the Roman Catholic Church who also works full time or part time in a secular job in order to understand better the problems of lay people • • • Main Entry: ↑work … Useful english dictionary
time clock — ˈtime clock noun [countable] HUMAN RESOURCES a clock, often connected to a computer, that records the exact time that someone arrives at and leaves work * * * time clock UK US noun [C] HR, WORKPLACE ► a machine, sometimes connected to a computer … Financial and business terms
time card — ➔ card * * * time card UK US noun [C] HR, WORKPLACE ► a piece of card used to record the time when a worker starts and finishes work, to show how many hours they have worked: »The driver s time card showed he had driven for more than the legal… … Financial and business terms
time|work|er — «TYM WUR kuhr», noun. a worker paid by the hour, day or week … Useful english dictionary