- time-depth graph
- сейсм. вертикальный годограф
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Depth-first search — Order in which the nodes are visited Class Search algorithm Data structure Graph Worst case performance … Wikipedia
Depth-limited search — Class Search Algorithm Data structure Graph Worst case performance O( | V | + | E | ) … Wikipedia
Depth-First Search — Tiefensuche Tiefensuche (Depth First Search) ist in der Informatik ein Verfahren zum Suchen eines Knotens in einem Graphen. Sie zählt zu den uninformierten Suchalgorithmen. Eine Verbesserung der Tiefensuche ist die iterative Tiefensuche.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Planar graph — Example graphs Planar Nonplanar Butterfly graph K5 The complete graph K4 … Wikipedia
Iterative deepening depth-first search — Graph and tree search algorithms Alpha beta pruning A* B* Beam Bellman–Ford algorithm Best first Bidirectional … Wikipedia
Glossary of graph theory — Graph theory is a growing area in mathematical research, and has a large specialized vocabulary. Some authors use the same word with different meanings. Some authors use different words to mean the same thing. This page attempts to keep up with… … Wikipedia
Scene graph — A scene graph is a general data structure commonly used by vector based graphics editing applications and modern computer games. Examples of such programs include AutoCAD, Adobe Illustrator, Acrobat 3D, OpenSceneGraph and CorelDRAW.The scene… … Wikipedia
Connected component (graph theory) — A graph with three connected components. In graph theory, a connected component of an undirected graph is a subgraph in which any two vertices are connected to each other by paths, and which is connected to no additional vertices. For example,… … Wikipedia
Claw-free graph — A claw In graph theory, an area of mathematics, a claw free graph is a graph that does not have a claw as an induced subgraph. A claw is another name for the complete bipartite graph K1,3 (that is, a star graph with three edges, three leaves, and … Wikipedia
Continuous-time quantum walk — A Continuous time quantum walk (CTQW) is a walk on a given connected graph that is dictated by a time varying unitary matrix that relies on the Hamiltonian of the quantum system and the adjacency matrix. CTQW belongs to what is known as Quantum… … Wikipedia
Outerplanar graph — A maximal outerplanar graph and its 3 coloring. In graph theory, an undirected graph is an outerplanar graph if it can be drawn in the plane without crossings in such a way that all of the vertices belong to the unbounded face of the drawing.… … Wikipedia