time-delay integration

time-delay integration
накопление с задержкой

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "time-delay integration" в других словарях:

  • Time Delay and Integration — A Time Delay and Integration (TDI) charge coupled device (CCD) is widely used for observation of high speed moving objects undetectable by classic CCD. Useful in a wide range of imaging applications that require both high speed and high… …   Wikipedia

  • Time delay and integration — A time delay and integration (TDI) charge coupled device (CCD) is widely used for observation of high speed moving objects undetectable by classic CCD. Useful in a wide range of imaging applications that require both high speed and high… …   Wikipedia

  • Delay differential equation — In mathematics, delay differential equations (DDEs) are a type of differential equation in which the derivative of the unknown function at a certain time is given in terms of the values of the function at previous times. A general form of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Time to digital converter — In electronic instrumentation and signal processing, a time to digital converter (abbreviated TDC) is a device for converting a signal of sporadic pulses into a digital representation of their time indices. In other words, a TDC outputs the time… …   Wikipedia

  • near real-time — The term near real time or nearly real time (NRT), in telecommunications and computing, refers to the time delay introduced, by automated data processing or network transmission, between the occurrence of an event and the use of the processed… …   Wikipedia

  • Interaural time difference — The interaural time difference (or ITD) when concerning humans or animals, is the difference in arrival time of a sound between two ears. It is important in the localisation of sounds, as it provides a cue to the direction or angle of the sound… …   Wikipedia

  • Multimodal integration — Multimodal integration, also known as multisensory integration, is the study of how information from the different sensory modalities, such as sight, sound, touch, smell, self motion and taste, may be integrated by the nervous system. A coherent… …   Wikipedia

  • Telecine — For a television network in Brazil, see Rede Telecine. Telecine (  /ˈtɛl …   Wikipedia

  • Spirit DataCine — is a telecine and/or a motion picture film scanner. This device is able to transfer 16mm and 35mm motion picture film to NTSC or PAL standards or one of many High definition television standards. With the data transfer option a Spirit DataCine… …   Wikipedia

  • Sloan Digital Sky Survey — The Sloan Digital Sky Survey or SDSS is a major multi filter imaging and spectroscopic redshift survey using a dedicated 2.5 m wide angle optical telescope at Apache Point Observatory in New Mexico. The project was named after the Alfred P. Sloan …   Wikipedia

  • Pléiades (satellite) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Pléiade. Pléiades est un couple de deux satellites optiques d observation de la Terre. En matière d’observation de la Terre, l’évolution des enjeux civils et militaires européens plaide aujourd’hui en faveur de… …   Wikipédia en Français

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