Смотреть что такое "time-bomb" в других словарях:
time bomb — time bombs also time bomb 1) N COUNT A time bomb is a bomb with a mechanism that causes it to explode at a particular time. 2) N COUNT: oft adj N If you describe something as a time bomb, you mean that it is likely to have a serious effect on a… … English dictionary
Time Bomb — Студийный альбом Buckcherry … Википедия
Time Bomb — Álbum de estudio de Buckcherry Publicación 27 de marzo, 2001 Grabación 2000 2001 Género(s) Hard rock Duración 45:27 … Wikipedia Español
time bomb — n 1.) a bomb that is set to explode at a particular time 2.) a situation that is likely to become a very serious problem ▪ Cutting down the rainforest is an environmental time bomb … Dictionary of contemporary English
time bomb — time ,bomb noun count 1. ) a bomb that can be set to explode at a particular time 2. ) something that is likely to have a sudden and bad effect on a situation in the future: The issue is a political time bomb waiting to explode … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
time bomb — time′ bomb n. 1) a bomb containing a clock or timer that can be set to explode at a certain time 2) a situation that may have disastrous consequences at any time in the near future • Etymology: 1890–95 … From formal English to slang
time bomb — ► NOUN ▪ a bomb designed to explode at a preset time … English terms dictionary
Time Bomb — [engl.], Zeitbombe … Universal-Lexikon
time bomb — n. 1. an explosive device connected to a timer that will set it off at a given moment 2. any potentially destructive state of affairs … English World dictionary
Time Bomb — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Time Bomb (bombe à retardement en anglais) est le nom de plusieurs groupes de musique et le titre de plusieurs films. Cinéma et télévision Time Bomb est… … Wikipédia en Français
Time bomb — A time bomb (or timebomb, time bomb) is an improvised explosive device with a timer so that it can be set to detonate any time.Construction and usageComponentsExplosive chargeThe explosive charge is the main component of any bomb, and makes up… … Wikipedia