- time-assignment speech interpolation
- концентрация каналов передачи речи путем использования естественных пауз в разговоре, метод TASI
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Time Assignment Speech Interpolation — Bei der zeitzugeordneten Sprachinterpolation (ZSI, englisch time assignment speech interpolation, TASI) handelt es sich um ein von Bell Labs entwickeltes dynamisches Frequenzmultiplexverfahren bei dem einem Teilnehmer nur dann ein Kanal… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Time-assignment speech interpolation — In telecommunication, a time assignment speech interpolation (TASI) is an analog technique used on certain long transmission links to increase voice transmission capacity. Note: TASI works by switching additional users onto any channel… … Wikipedia
Time-Assigned Speech Interpolation — Bei der zeitzugeordneten Sprachinterpolation (ZSI, englisch time assignment speech interpolation, TASI) handelt es sich um ein von Bell Labs entwickeltes dynamisches Frequenzmultiplexverfahren bei dem einem Teilnehmer nur dann ein Kanal… … Deutsch Wikipedia
time-assignment speech interpolation — (TASI) Multiplexing procedure primarily used in overseas and long distance transmission; maintains a connection while conversation is taking place but allows other conversations to access the line during silent periods. In other words,… … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
Demand assignment — In telecommunication, a demand assignment is a method which several users share access to a communications channel on a real time basis, i.e., a user needing to communicate with another user on the same network requests the required circuit, uses … Wikipedia
TASI — Time Assignment Speech Interpolation (system) … Acronyms
TASI — Time Assignment Speech Interpolation (system) … Acronyms von A bis Z
TASI — Time Assignment Speech Interpolation Contributor: CASI … NASA Acronyms
telephone — telephoner, n. /tel euh fohn /, n., v., telephoned, telephoning. n. 1. an apparatus, system, or process for transmission of sound or speech to a distant point, esp. by an electric device. v.t. 2. to speak to or summon (a person) by telephone. 3.… … Universalium
List of electronics topics — Alphabetization has been neglected in some parts of this article (the b section in particular). You can help by editing it. This is a list of communications, computers, electronic circuits, fiberoptics, microelectronics, medical electronics,… … Wikipedia
Voice activity detection — (also known as speech activity detection or, more simply, speech detection) is an algorithm used in speech processing wherein the presence or absence of human speech is detected in regions of audio. The main uses of VAD are in speech coding and… … Wikipedia