- time slice
- временной интервал;
квант времени (количество процессорного времени, выделяемого приложению) (компьютерное) квант машинного времени
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
time slice — noun (computing) A predetermined maximum length of time during which each program is allowed to run • • • Main Entry: ↑time * * * n. Computing a short interval of time during which a computer or its central processor deals uninterruptedly with… … Useful english dictionary
Time Slice — [engl.], Zeitscheibe … Universal-Lexikon
time slice — laiko kvantas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Trumpas laiko tarpas, kurį ↑procesorius skiria kuriam nors ↑procesui, esant ↑daugiaprogramiam apdorojimui. Trukmė dažniausiai būna milisekundžių eilės. atitikmenys: angl. time quantum; time… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
time slice — laiko tarpas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Laiko atkarpa, kurioje vyksta tam tikri darbai, veiksmai, operacijos, procesai. Pavyzdžiui, ↑įvykiui arba ↑užsiėmimui ↑kalendoriaus programoje, procesui ↑daugiaprocesėje sistemoje. atitikmenys … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
time-slice — Modern physical thinking takes the view that time should be regarded as essentially uniform with space. It is one dimension in uniform space time. Hence many writers have advocated looking at an ordin ary, enduring object as a four dimensional… … Philosophy dictionary
time slice — noun The period of time for which a process is allowed to run in a preemptive multitasking system … Wiktionary
time slice — processing time allocated to a user on a server or a program in multitasking … English contemporary dictionary
time slice — A segment of time allotted to a certain function, task, or terminal job … IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations
time-slice multitasking — A form of multitasking in which the operating system assigns the same small time period to each process in turn. See also cooperative multitasking; preemptive multitasking … Dictionary of networking
time slice — ● ►en VF loc. f. ►SYSTM Litt. tranche de temps . Syn. de quantum. Brève période de temps pendant laquelle une tâche s exécute dans un environnement multitâche … Dictionnaire d'informatique francophone
Slice — may refer to:Food*A portion of bread, cake, or meat that is cut flat and thin, cf. sliced bread *Slice (soft drink), a line of fruit flavored drinks *Vanilla slice, a dessert *Mr. Slice, the mascot of Papa John s pizza restaurantports*Backspin,… … Wikipedia