time of termination

time of termination
дата истечения срока

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "time of termination" в других словарях:

  • Termination of employment — is the end of an employee s duration with an employer. Depending on the case, the decision may be made by the employee, the employer, or mutually agreed upon by both.Voluntary terminationVoluntary termination is a decision made by the employee to …   Wikipedia

  • termination — I noun abatement, adjournment, cancellation, climax, close, completion, conclusion, confine, consequence, consummation, culmination, denouement, destination, discharge, discontinuance, effect, end, ending, end of the matter, end result, epilogue …   Law dictionary

  • Termination — Ter mi*na tion, n. [L. terminatio a bounding, fixing, determining: cf. F. terminasion, OF. also termination. See {Term}.] 1. The act of terminating, or of limiting or setting bounds; the act of ending or concluding; as, a voluntary termination of …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Time Warner Cable — Type Public Traded as NYSE: TWC Industry Communications …   Wikipedia

  • termination — [tʉr΄mə nā′shən] n. [L terminatio] 1. a terminating or being terminated 2. the end of something in space or time; limit, bound, conclusion, or finish 3. Linguis. the end of a word; final sound, morpheme, or syllable; specif., an inflectional… …   English World dictionary

  • time is of the essence — When a clause in a contract (normally related to a time deadline) is made of the essence , it means that the innocent party can claim immediately if the relevant provision is broken without having to give any notice or allow a period for… …   Law dictionary

  • Time-domain reflectometer — A time domain reflectometer (TDR) is an electronic instrument used to characterize and locate faults in metallic cables (for example, twisted wire pairs, coaxial cables). The equivalent device for optical fiber is an optical time domain… …   Wikipedia

  • Termination fee — A termination fee is a charge levied when a party wants to break the term of an agreement or long term contract. They are stipulated in the contract or agreement itself, and provide an incentive for the party subject to them to abide by the… …   Wikipedia

  • Termination for Cause (Jericho episode) — Infobox Jericho episode Title = Termination for Cause Caption = Series = Jericho Season = 2 Episode = 5 Airdate = March 11, 2008 Writer = Rob Fresco Director = Guy Bee Guests = Prev = Oversight Next = Sedition MorseCode …   Wikipedia

  • termination — The action taken by a secured party to end or give up its interest in collateral. For personal property collateral, a termination may be entered into the public record by using a standard form called a UCC 3. American Banker Glossary * * *… …   Financial and business terms

  • termination — End in time or existence; close; cessation; conclusion. Perruccio v. Allen, 156 Conn. 282, 240 A.2d 912, 914. Word for purposes of insurance, refers to the expiration of a policy by lapse of the policy. Waynesville Sec. Bank v. Stuyvesant Inc. Co …   Black's law dictionary

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