time keeping
Смотреть что такое "time keeping" в других словарях:
time-keeping — chronometravimas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Sportinės veiklos tyrimo metodas, kuriuo nustatomas sugaištas laikas tam tikrai užduočiai (pratimui) atlikti per pamokas, pratybas; žaidimo tarpsnių, derinių trukmės per… … Sporto terminų žodynas
time-keeping — chronometravimas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Įvairių vyksmų tyrimas laiko atžvilgiu matuojant atskirų vyksmo dalių trukmę. kilmė gr. chronos – laikas + metreō – matuoti atitikmenys: angl. time keeping; timing vok.… … Sporto terminų žodynas
Anglo-French Conference on Time-keeping at Sea — The Anglo French Conference on Time keeping at Sea was held in London in June 1917. The Conference established the nautical date line and adopted an ideal form of the terrestrial time zone system for use at sea. It recommended that time changes… … Wikipedia
Time in the United States — Time in the United States, by law, is divided into nine standard time zones covering the states and its possessions, with most of the United States observing daylight saving time for part of the year.The time zone boundaries and DST observance… … Wikipedia
Time in Indiana — refers to the controversial time zone division of Indiana, and to the state s historical response to the innovation of daylight saving time. The official dividing line between Eastern Time and Central Time has, over time, progressively moved west … Wikipedia
Time — This article is about the measurement. For the magazine, see Time (magazine). For other uses, see Time (disambiguation). The flow of sand in an hourglass can be used to keep track of elapsed time. It also concretely represents the present as… … Wikipedia
Time discipline — In sociology and anthropology, time discipline is the general name given to social and economic rules, conventions, customs, and expectations governing the measurement of time, the social currency and awareness of time measurements, and people s… … Wikipedia
Time Stamp Counter — The Time Stamp Counter is a 64 bit register present on all x86 processors since the Pentium. It counts the number of ticks since reset, and is only accessible through the RDTSC instruction. This instruction returns the TSC in EDX:EAX. Its opcode… … Wikipedia
Time dilation — This article is about a concept in physics. For the concept in sociology, see time displacement. In the theory of relativity, time dilation is an observed difference of elapsed time between two events as measured by observers either moving… … Wikipedia
time — The basic way of experiencing time is not as a succession of fixed units (e.g. hours), but through three natural cycles: night and day, the moon s phases, and the year. The first is the most immediate, and the most charged with symbolic and… … A Dictionary of English folklore
Keeping up with the Joneses — is a popular catchphrase in many parts of the English speaking world. It refers to the desire to be seen as being as good as one s neighbours or contemporaries using the comparative benchmarks of social caste or the accumulation of material goods … Wikipedia