timber support
Смотреть что такое "timber support" в других словарях:
Timber framing — (German: Fachwerk literally framework ), or half timbering, and in North America Post and Beam construction is the method of creating structures using heavy squared off and carefully fitted and joined timbers with joints secured by large wooden… … Wikipedia
support — [n1] something that holds up structure abutment, agency, back, backing, base, bed, bedding, block, brace, buttress, collar, column, cornerstone, device, flotation, foothold, footing, foundation, fulcrum, groundwork, guide, hold, lining, means,… … New thesaurus
Support — Sup*port , n. [F.] 1. The act, state, or operation of supporting, upholding, or sustaining. [1913 Webster] 2. That which upholds, sustains, or keeps from falling, as a prop, a pillar, or a foundation of any kind. [1913 Webster] 3. That which… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
timber — noun 1 trees grown for building VERB + TIMBER ▪ cut, fell, harvest ▪ sell TIMBER + NOUN ▪ company, industry, product … Collocations dictionary
timber — timberless, adj. timbery, adj. /tim beuhr/, n. 1. the wood of growing trees suitable for structural uses. 2. growing trees themselves. 3. wooded land. 4. wood, esp. when suitable or adapted for various building purposes. 5. a single piece of wood … Universalium
support — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Maintenance Nouns 1. (financial support) support, maintenance, upkeep, sustenance. See aid. 2. (foundation) ground, foundation, groundwork, substratum, base, basis; terra firma; purchase, grip, footing,… … English dictionary for students
timber — tim•ber [[t]ˈtɪm bər[/t]] n. 1) the wood of growing trees suitable for construction purposes 2) growing trees themselves 3) wooded land 4) wood, esp. when adapted for various building purposes 5) a single piece of wood forming part of a structure … From formal English to slang
timber — /ˈtɪmbə / (say timbuh) noun 1. wood, especially when suitable for building houses, ships, etc., or for use in carpentry, joinery, etc. 2. the wood of growing trees suitable for structural uses. 3. the trees themselves. 4. Chiefly US wooded land.… …
timber — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old English, building, wood; akin to Old High German zimbar wood, room, Greek demein to build, domos course of stones or bricks Date: before 12th century 1. a. growing trees or their wood b. used… … New Collegiate Dictionary
timber — tim·ber || tɪmbÉ™(r) n. trees; logs; wood; qualities, characteristics v. build with wood; support with wood … English contemporary dictionary
Points of support — Support Sup*port , n. [F.] 1. The act, state, or operation of supporting, upholding, or sustaining. [1913 Webster] 2. That which upholds, sustains, or keeps from falling, as a prop, a pillar, or a foundation of any kind. [1913 Webster] 3. That… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English