Смотреть что такое "tilt-yard" в других словарях:
Tilt-yard — n. A yard or place for tilting. The tilt yard of Templestowe. Sir W. Scott. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tilt yard — noun (historical) A place for tilting, jousting • • • Main Entry: ↑tilt * * * n. historical a place where jousts took place … Useful english dictionary
tilt|yard — «TIHLT YAHRD», noun. a place where tilting with lances was done … Useful english dictionary
tilt-yard — … Useful english dictionary
Tilt — Barrier separating knightly jousters designed to prevent converging horses from colliding with each other. The word came by transference to apply to the sport of jousting; also the place became the tilt yard. The use of a barrier emerged when… … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
tilt — v. & n. v. 1 intr. & tr. assume or cause to assume a sloping position; heel over. 2 intr. (foll. by at) strike, thrust, or run at, with a weapon, esp. in jousting. 3 intr. (foll. by with) engage in a contest. 4 tr. forge or work (steel etc.) with … Useful english dictionary
Tilt-A-Whirl — is one of the best known flat rides, designed for commercial use at amusement parks, fairs and carnivals in which it is commonly found [ [http://www.whirlin.com/tiltawhirl.html Rides for Amusement Parks, Carnivals, and Fairs Made in the USA ] ] … Wikipedia
Yard (sailing) — The fore royal yard on the Prince William. Prince William s royal yards are the highest and smallest yards on the ship, are made of wood, and are lifting yards that can be raised along a section of the mast. Here it is in the lowered position. A… … Wikipedia
Eglinton Tournament of 1839 — The Eglinton Tournament of 1839 was a re enactment of a medieval joust and revel held in Scotland on Friday 30 August.Corbould. p 5.] It was funded and organized by Archibald Montgomerie, 13th Earl of Eglinton, and took place at Eglinton Castle,… … Wikipedia
Eglinton Tournament Bridge — Infobox Bridge bridge name = Eglinton Tournament Bridge caption = Tournament Bridge and castle in 1876Dobie, James (1876). Pont s Cuninghame Pub. John Tweed.] official name = Tournament Bridge carries = Pedestrians crosses = Lugton Water locale … Wikipedia
Tiltyard — A tiltyard (or tilt yard or tilt yard) was an enclosed courtyard for jousting (also known as tilting ). Tiltyards were a common feature of late medieval castles and palaces. The Horse Guards Parade in London was formerly the tiltyard constructed… … Wikipedia