Смотреть что такое "tigon" в других словарях:
Tigon — may refer to: Tiglon, a hybrid between a tiger and a lioness Tigon British Film Productions, a British film production and distribution company Tigon Studios, a video game production company This disambiguation page lists articles associated with … Wikipedia
Tigon — [Kurzwort aus englisch tiger »Tiger« und lion »Löwe«] der, s/ , Bastard aus der Kreuzung zwischen Tigermännchen und Löwenweibchen; das Männchen hat eine ausgeprägte Mähne; die Streifenzeichnung ist verwaschen. (Liger) * * * Ti|gon, der; s,… … Universal-Lexikon
Tigon — Großkatzenhybride sind Mischlinge, so genannte Hybride, zwischen verschiedenen Arten von Großkatzen, vor allem zwischen Vertretern der Gattung Panthera. Besonders bekannt sind dabei Hybride zwischen dem Löwen (Panthera leo) und dem Tiger… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tigón — Tigón … Wikipedia Español
tigon — or tiglon Zoo bred offspring of a tiger and a lioness. The opposite cross, of a lion and a tigress, produces a liger. Differences in behavior and habitat make interbreeding of the tiger and lion unlikely in the wild. The tigon and the liger have… … Universalium
Tigón — Un tigón o tigrón es un híbrido de un tigre macho y de una leona criados en cautiverio. Los tigones no son tan frecuentes como los híbridos inversos, llamados ligres, producto de la unión de un macho león y de una tigresa. Es poco probable que… … Enciclopedia Universal
Tigon Studios — Тип Частная компания Год основания 2002 Основатели … Википедия
Tigon British Film Productions — or Tigon was a film production and distribution company founded by Tony Tenser in 1966. It is most famous for its horror films, particularly Witchfinder General (directed by Michael Reeves, 1968) and Blood on Satan s Claw (directed by Piers… … Wikipedia
Tigon Studios — Industry Software Programming Founded 2002 Founder(s) Vin Diesel Headquarters Bellevue, Washington … Wikipedia
Tigon Hotel — (Хюэ,Вьетнам) Категория отеля: 2 звездочный отель Адрес: 9 Nguyen Cong Tru Street, Хюэ, Вьетнам … Каталог отелей
Tigon (disambiguation) — Tigon may refer to: *Tigon, an animal hybrid. *Tigon British Film Productions, a late 1960s/early 1970s British film production company. *Tigon Studios, a video game production company … Wikipedia