Смотреть что такое "tight-wad" в других словарях:
tight|wad — «TYT WOD», noun. Slang. a stingy person; skinflint: »I don t want to be a tightwad but after all, a dollar is a dollar (Sinclair Lewis). ╂[American English < tight + wad1 roll of money] … Useful english dictionary
tight wad — n. a stingy person; a miser. (See also wad.) □ There’s no need to be such a tight wad. □ My dad’s a tight wad … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
Tight wad — smb. who doesn t want to part with his money … Dictionary of Australian slang
tight wad — Australian Slang smb. who doesn t want to part with his money … English dialects glossary
tight·wad — /ˈtaıtˌwɑːd/ noun, pl wads [count] informal + disapproving : a person who does not like to spend or give money Her husband s such a tightwad that he never wants to go out to dinner … Useful english dictionary
wad — [wad] n. a bundle of money; a bankroll. (Originally underworld. See also tight wad.) □ I lost my wad on a rotten horse in the seventh race. □ Youd better not flash a wad like that around here. You won’t have it long … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
wad — I. noun Etymology: Middle English wadde, from Medieval Latin wadda Date: 15th century 1. a small mass, bundle, or tuft: as a. a soft mass especially of a loose fibrous material variously used (as to stop an aperture, pad a garment, or hold grease … New Collegiate Dictionary
wad — wad1 [wɔd US wa:d] n [Date: 1500 1600; Origin: Perhaps from Dutch watte or French ouate wadding ] 1.) a thick pile of pieces of paper or thin material wad of ▪ a wad of dollar bills 2.) a thick soft mass of material that has been pressed together … Dictionary of contemporary English
wad — wad1 [ wad ] noun count 1. ) a thick pile or ball of papers, money, or thin cloth: a wad of dollar bills 2. ) a round mass of something soft, for example COTTON blow your wad VERY INFORMAL to spend all of your money wad wad 2 [ wad ] or ,wad up… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
wad — [[t]wɒ̱d[/t]] wads N COUNT: oft N of n A wad of something such as paper or cloth is a tight bundle or ball of it. ...a wad of banknotes. ...a wad of cotton soaked in cleaning fluid … English dictionary
wad — 1 noun (C) 1 a thick pile of pieces of paper or thin material: a wad of dollar bills 2 a thick soft mass of material that has been pressed together: a wad of gauze 3 a piece of tobacco that you hold in your mouth 2 verb wad sth up phrasal verb… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English