tight seal
Смотреть что такое "tight seal" в других словарях:
tight — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English tiht, thyht dense, solid, watertight, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse thēttr tight; akin to Middle High German dīhte thick, Sanskrit tanakti it causes to coagulate Date: 14th century 1. a. having… … New Collegiate Dictionary
seal in — verb close with or as if with a tight seal This vacuum pack locks in the flavor! • Syn: ↑lock in • Hypernyms: ↑confine • Verb Frames: Somebody s something Something s something … Useful english dictionary
Seal (desambiguación) — Seal puede referirse a: Gente Seal (nacido en 1963), Cantante compositor de soul británico. Seal (álbum de 1991) Seal (álbum de 1994) Seal (álbum de 2003) Barry Seal (1939–1986), un traficante de drogas e informante de la CIA. Brajendra Nath Seal … Wikipedia Español
seal — seal1 [sēl] n. [ME seel < OFr < L sigillum, a seal, mark, dim. of signum: see SIGN] 1. a design, initial, or other device placed on a letter, document, etc., as a mark of genuineness or authenticity: letters were, esp. formerly, closed with … English World dictionary
seal — I. noun (plural seals; also seal) Etymology: Middle English sele, from Old English seolh; akin to Old High German selah seal Date: before 12th century 1. any of numerous carnivorous marine mammals (families Phocidae and Otariidae) that live… … New Collegiate Dictionary
seal off — verb 1. make tight; secure against leakage (Freq. 3) seal the windows • Syn: ↑seal • Derivationally related forms: ↑seal (for: ↑seal), ↑sealant … Useful english dictionary
seal — 1. A tight closure. 2. To effect a tight closure. border s. the contact of the denture border with the underlying or adjacent tissues to prevent the passage of air or other substances. SYN: peripheral s.. palatal s. SYN … Medical dictionary
tight junction — an intercellular junction between epithelial cells, at which the adjacent plasma membranes are joined tightly together, separated by only 1 to 2 nm and forming a beltlike seal; these junctions occlude the intercellular space and limit… … Medical dictionary
seal — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. die, stamp, signet; embossment, wafer, stamp; guarantee, confirmation; safeguard, stopper. v. t. stamp, ratify, confirm; fasten, secure, occlude; close, confine. See completion, closure. II (Roget s… … English dictionary for students
Glass-to-metal seal — Glass to metal seals are a very important element of the construction of vacuum tubes, electric discharge tubes, incandescent light bulbs, glass encapsulated semiconductor diodes, reed switches, pressure tight glass windows in metal cases, and… … Wikipedia
Bodok seal — The Bodok seal is a specialised washer that ensures a gas tight seal between the cylinder yoke or regulator of an anaesthetic machine or any medical device requiring a gas supply, and a gas cylinder. It was introduced along with the pin index… … Wikipedia