- tiger's-eye
- ˈtaɪɡəzaɪ сущ. тигровый глаз (полудрагоценный камень) tiger's-eye тигровый глаз (полудрагоценный камень) tiger-eye: tiger-eye = tiger's-eye
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Tiger's Eye — (also Tigers eye, Tiger eye) is a chatoyant gemstone that is usually yellow to red brown, with a silky luster. A member of the quartz group, it is a classic example of pseudomorphous replacement by silica of fibrous crocidolite (blue asbestos).… … Wikipedia
tiger's eye — tiger eye or tiger s eye noun 1. A golden brown striped pseudomorph of quartz after crocidolite, used eg in jewellery 2. A pottery glaze resembling this • • • Main Entry: ↑tiger … Useful english dictionary
tiger's-eye — [tī′gər ī΄tī′gərz ī΄] n. a semiprecious, yellow brown stone, silicified crocidolite, used for ornament: also tigereye [tī′gər ī΄] … English World dictionary
Tiger's eye — This article is about the gemstone. For the characters in the Sailor Moon series, see Amazon Trio. Tiger s Eye Polished tiger s eye gemstone General … Wikipedia
tiger's eye — (also tiger eye) noun a yellowish brown semi precious variety of quartz with a silky or chatoyant lustre, formed by replacement of crocidolite … English new terms dictionary
tiger's-eye — ti′ger s eye also tigereye n. jew a golden brown chatoyant stone used for ornament, formed by the alteration of crocidolite, and consisting essentially of quartz colored by iron oxide • Etymology: 1890–95 … From formal English to slang
tiger's-eye — noun see tigereye … New Collegiate Dictionary
tiger's-eye — /tuy geuhrz uy /, n. 1. a golden brown chatoyant stone used for ornament, formed by the alteration of crocidolite, and consisting essentially of quartz colored by iron oxide. 2. a glass coating or glaze giving the covered object the appearance of … Universalium
tiger's eye — noun A chatoyant gemstone that is usually yellow to red brown, with a silky luster … Wiktionary
tiger's eye — /ˈtaɪgəz aɪ/ (say tuyguhz uy) noun → tigereye …
tiger's-eye — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ variant of tigereye * * * /tuy geuhrz uy /, n. 1. a golden brown chatoyant stone used for ornament, formed by the alteration of crocidolite, and consisting essentially of quartz colored by iron oxide. 2. a glass coating or glaze… … Useful english dictionary