- tie-pin
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
tie-pin — tie pins also tiepin N COUNT A tie pin is a thin narrow object with a pin on it and is used to pin a person s tie to their shirt … English dictionary
tie pin — tie|pin «TY PIHN», noun, or tie pin, = stickpin. (Cf. ↑stickpin) … Useful english dictionary
tie|pin — «TY PIHN», noun, or tie pin, = stickpin. (Cf. ↑stickpin) … Useful english dictionary
tie-pin — n BrE a thing used for keeping a man s ↑tie fastened to his shirt or as a decoration … Dictionary of contemporary English
Tie pin — Golden tiepin with emerald, 19th century A Tie pin (also known as a Stick pin), is a neckwear controlling device, originally worn by wealthy English gentlemen to secure the folds of their cravats, they were first popularized at the beginning of… … Wikipedia
tie pin — decorative pin used to hold one s tie in place … English contemporary dictionary
tie·pin — /ˈtaıˌpın/ noun, pl pins [count] : a decorative pin that is used to hold the ends of a necktie in place … Useful english dictionary
tie-pin — noun (C) a thing used for keeping a man s tie 2 (1) fastened to his shirt or as a decoration … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
TIE-PIN — … Useful english dictionary
Tie bar — A tie bar (also tie slide, tie clip, or tie clasp)cite web url=http://www.slate.com/id/2167134?nav=tap3 title=Here Lies the Tie Clip: An elegy for a great accessory. first=Paul last=Devlin date=2007 05 29 publisher=Slate] is a neckwear accessory… … Wikipedia
Tie clip — A selection of tie clips, mostly from the early to mid 20th century There have been many forms of tie control devised since the 19th century, when ties first became a regular part of fashion. Clips, chains, pins have all been used to do one… … Wikipedia