tidy out

tidy out
прибирать, вычищать It has taken us the whole day to tidy out the garage. ≈ Нам понадобился целый день, чтобы вымыть гараж.

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tidy out" в других словарях:

  • tidy out — ˌtidy ˈout [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they tidy out present participle tidying out past tense tidied out …   Useful english dictionary

  • tidy out — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms tidy out : present tense I/you/we/they tidy out he/she/it tidies out present participle tidying out past tense tidied out past participle tidied out to make a room or cupboard look better by removing things… …   English dictionary

  • tidy */ — I UK [ˈtaɪdɪ] / US adjective Word forms tidy : adjective tidy comparative tidier superlative tidiest 1) a tidy place looks nice because everything is in the correct place or arranged or is organized properly a tidy garden keep something tidy: I… …   English dictionary

  • Tidy Trax — is a leading UK based UK Hard House record label. Sublabels include Untidy Dubs Records (Funky), Tidy Two Records (Hard Trance), Tidy White Records (limited press / experimental) and SYNAPSE Records, headed by Paul Maddox, Guyver and a few of… …   Wikipedia

  • tidy — 01. You children need to [tidy] your rooms before going out. 02. Her house is always [tidy], but her car is an absolute mess. 03. All the CDs are arranged [tidily] on the shelf in alphabetical order. 04. My husband is so [tidy] that it drives me… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • tidy — 1 adjective especially BrE 1 a room, house, desk etc that is tidy is neatly arranged with everything in the right place: neat and tidy: Ellen s room always looks neat and tidy. 2 someone who is tidy keeps their house, clothes etc neat and clean:… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • tidy — tidily, adv. tidiness, n. /tuy dee/, adj., tidier, tidiest, v., tidied, tidying, n., pl. tidies. adj. 1. neat, orderly, or trim, as in appearance or dress: a tidy room; a tidy person. 2. clearly organized and systematic: a tidy mind; a tidy way… …   Universalium

  • tidy — /ˈtaɪdi / (say tuydee) adjective (tidier, tidiest) 1. neat; trim; orderly: a tidy room. 2. Colloquial considerable: *Still, we should have a tidy sum when we cut out, around Christmas. –harold lewis, 1973. –verb (tidied, tidying) –verb (t) 3. to… …  

  • tidy — I. adjective (tidier; est) Etymology: Middle English, timely, in good condition, from tide time Date: 13th century 1. properly filled out ; plump 2. adequately satisfactory ; acceptable, fair < a tidy solution to their pr …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • tidy — 1. adjective 1) a tidy room Syn: neat, neat and tidy, orderly, well ordered, in (good) order, well kept, shipshape, in apple pie order, immaculate, spick and span, uncluttered, straight, trim, spruce Ant …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • tidy — ti•dy [[t]ˈtaɪ di[/t]] adj. di•er, di•est, 1) neat, orderly, or trim, as in appearance or dress 2) clearly organized and systematic 3) tolerably good; acceptable: They worked out a tidy arrangement[/ex] 4) cvb fairly large; considerable: a tidy… …   From formal English to slang

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