tidal dam

tidal dam
морская плотина (для регулирования приливов и отливов)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tidal dam" в других словарях:

  • Tidal power — Tidal power, sometimes called tidal energy, is a form of hydropower that converts the energy of tides into electricity or other useful forms of power.Although not yet widely used, tidal power has potential for future electricity generation. Tides …   Wikipedia

  • Dam — This article is about structures for water impoundment. For other uses, see Dam (disambiguation). Hoover Dam, a concrete arch gravity dam in Black Canyon of the Colorado River. Lake Mead in the background is impounded by the dam …   Wikipedia

  • tidal power — Electricity produced by turbines operated by tide flow. Large amounts of power are potentially available from the tides in certain locations, such as Canada s Bay of Fundy, where the tidal range reaches more than 50 ft (15 m), but this potential… …   Universalium

  • dam — Synonyms and related words: arch dam, arrest, artificial lake, backstop, bamboo curtain, bank, bar, barrage, barrier, bayou lake, bear trap dam, beaver dam, bind, block, block up, blockade, boom, bottle up, brake, breakwater, breastwork, brick… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Tidal Light — Thoroughbred racehorse infobox horsename = Tidal Light caption = sire = Diagrammatic grandsire = Sir Wiggle dam = Azores damsire = King Of Babylon sex = Filly foaled = 1983 country = New Zealand flagicon|NZL colour = Brown breeder = Mr Mrs J D O… …   Wikipedia

  • Tidal Power —   The power available from the rise and fall of ocean tides. A tidal power plant works on the principal of a dam or barrage that captures water in a basin at the peak of a tidal flow, then directs the water through a hydroelectric turbine as the… …   Energy terms

  • Dynamic tidal power — Co inventor Kees Hulsbergen presenting the principles of DTP at Tsinghua University in Beijing, in February 2010. Dynamic tidal power or DTP is a new and untested method of tidal power generation. It would involve creating large dam like… …   Wikipedia

  • Rance tidal power plant — The Rance tidal power plant ( Usine marémotrice de la Rance in french, Stankell vordredan ar Renk in Breton) is the world s first electrical generating station powered by tidal energy. It is located on the estuary of the Rance River, in Bretagne …   Wikipedia

  • Charles River Dam Bridge — Not to be confused with the 1786 Charles River Bridge at the site of the current Charlestown Bridge, nor the current Charles River Dam built in 1978 at the site of the 1828 Warren Bridge. Charles River Dam Bridge Carries six lanes of traffic… …   Wikipedia

  • Franklin Dam — The Franklin Dam or Gordon below Franklin Dam project was a proposed dam on the Gordon River in Tasmania, Australia, that was never constructed. The movement that eventually led to the project s cancellation became one of most significant… …   Wikipedia

  • Saint Petersburg Dam — The Saint Petersburg Flood Prevention Facility Complex [Before 2003 when construction resumed after a 15 year pause, the dam was officially called the Leningrad Flood Prevention Facility Complex ] ( ru. Комплекс защитных сооружений Санкт… …   Wikipedia

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