ticklish problem

ticklish problem
тонкий, деликатный, щекотливый вопрос Syn : delicate problem

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "ticklish problem" в других словарях:

  • problem — n. unsettled question source of difficulty 1) to cause, create, pose, present a problem 2) to address, tackle; bring up, raise; resolve, settle, solve a problem 3) an acute, difficult, major, pressing, serious; insoluble, insurmountable problem… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • ticklish — [[t]tɪ̱kəlɪʃ[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n A ticklish problem, situation, or task is difficult and needs to be dealt with carefully. Policy makers are considering the ticklish question of the future of the European Community. Syn: delicate 2) ADJ …   English dictionary

  • ticklish — adjective a) Sensitive or susceptible to being tickled. She is ticklish only on her tummy and the bottoms of her feet. b) Touchy, sensitive, or delicate. That is a ticklish problem, so proceed carefully …   Wiktionary

  • ticklish — tick|lish [ tıklıʃ ] adjective 1. ) someone who is ticklish has a strong reaction when they are tickled 2. ) INFORMAL a ticklish problem or situation is difficult to deal with without upsetting anyone …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • ticklish — UK [ˈtɪk(ə)lɪʃ] / US adjective 1) someone who is ticklish has a strong reaction when they are tickled 2) informal a ticklish problem or situation is difficult to deal with without upsetting anyone …   English dictionary

  • ticklish — ► ADJECTIVE 1) sensitive to being tickled. 2) (of a cough) characterized by persistent irritation in the throat. 3) (of a situation or problem) sensitive or difficult to deal with …   English terms dictionary

  • ticklish — tick|lish [ˈtıklıʃ] adj 1.) someone who is ticklish laughs a lot when you tickle them 2.) [usually before noun] informal a ticklish situation or problem is difficult and must be dealt with carefully, especially because you may upset people ▪… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • ticklish — adjective 1 someone who is ticklish is sensitive to tickling 2 informal a ticklish situation or problem must be dealt with very carefully, especially because you may offend or upset people: You ll have the ticklish task of explaining to Rita why… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • ticklish — adjective 1》 sensitive to being tickled.     ↘(of a cough) characterized by persistent irritation in the throat. 2》 (of a situation or problem) difficult to deal with; sensitive. Derivatives ticklishly adverb ticklishness noun …   English new terms dictionary

  • United States presidential election, 1820 — Infobox Election election name = United States presidential election, 1820 country = United States type = presidential ongoing = no previous election = United States presidential election, 1816 previous year = 1816 next election = United States… …   Wikipedia

  • United States presidential election in Missouri, 1820 — This article describes the United States presidential election, 1820, in Missouri. In this first year, the state s electors were pledged to the eventual winner, James Monroe, by the state legislature. It was the first year Missouri cast ballots… …   Wikipedia

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