tick off

tick off

1) отмечать галочкой, ставить галочку to tick off the items on a list ≈ отмечать пункты в списке Tick off the names of the members as they vote. ≈ Отмечайте людей по мере того, как они будут голосовать.
2) разг. быстро сказать, выпалить одним духом, отбарабанить
3) разг. бранить, пробирать, давать нагоняй Syn : bawl out
2) , be down on
1) , bring up
10) , brush down, burn up
5) , call down
4) , chew out, chew up
3) , choke off
3) , come down on
3) , dress down
1) , dust down
2) , hop on
2) , jack up
3) , land on
2) , lay out
8) , rebuke, reprove, sail into
1) , scold
1. , sit on
3) , speak to
4) , step on
3) , strip down, strip off
2) , take apart
4) , talk to
1) , tell off
3) , walk into
4) разг. выводить из себя, раздражать, сердить Her rudeness really ticked me off. ≈ Меня просто вывела из себя ее грубость.
5) разг. отделать, распушить отмечать галочкой, ставить галочку - to * the items on a list отмечать пункты в списке - to * three plays наметить к постановке три пьесы (отметив их галочкой) (разговорное) быстро сказать, выпалить одним духом, отбарабанить - to * the titles of the books выпалить одним духом названия книг (разговорное) бранить, пробирать, давать нагоняй;
одергивать, ставить на место - he got ticked off он нарвался на выговор (разговорное) выводить из себя, из равновесия, раздражать, сердить - to be ticked off злиться, раздражаться

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "tick off" в других словарях:

  • tick off — tick (someone) off to make someone angry. It just ticks me off to think that anyone who wants to can read my e mail. It was only a suggestion, not a criticism, and she didn t think it would tick off everyone at the meeting …   New idioms dictionary

  • tick off — (something) to name a list of things. She ticked off six reasons for saying no. She had lots of objections, and she ticked them off one after another …   New idioms dictionary

  • tick off — verb put a check mark on or near or next to Please check each name on the list tick off the items mark off the units • Syn: ↑check, ↑check off, ↑mark, ↑mark off, ↑tick …   Useful english dictionary

  • tick off — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you tick off items on a list, you write a tick or other mark next to them, in order to show that they have been dealt with. [mainly BRIT] [V P n (not pron)] He ticked off my name on a piece of paper... [V n P] Tick it off in… …   English dictionary

  • tick off — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms tick off : present tense I/you/we/they tick off he/she/it ticks off present participle ticking off past tense ticked off past participle ticked off 1) a) British to put the symbol ✓ next to something on a list …   English dictionary

  • tick off — v. indicate that something has been done or completed by putting a check mark or a tick next to it (e.g.: I made a list of the things you have to do, please tick off each one when you complete it ); (Slang) irritate a person; make a person angry; …   English contemporary dictionary

  • tick off — 1) that really ticked me off Syn: annoy, irritate, rile, rattle, anger, antagonize, make someone mad, get on someone s nerves, get to, get someone s back up 2) tick off a list Syn: check off; count of …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • tick off something — tick off (something) to name a list of things. She ticked off six reasons for saying no. She had lots of objections, and she ticked them off one after another …   New idioms dictionary

  • tick off — verb a) To sign with a tick. I ticked off Harry today because he announced he was present. b) To list . I ticked three things off the list in my head, and had only four chores left to do …   Wiktionary

  • tick off — Synonyms and related words: admonish, anger, blaze, blaze a trail, blemish, blotch, brand, call down, chalk, chalk up, check, check off, chide, cicatrize, dapple, dash, define, delimit, demarcate, discolor, dot, engrave, fleck, freckle, gash,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • tick off — {v.} 1. To mention one after the other; list. * /The teacher ticked off the assignments that Jane had to do./ 2. To scold; rebuke. * /The boss ticked off the waitress for dropping her tray./ 3. To anger or upset. Usually used as ticked off. *… …   Dictionary of American idioms

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