- thuringia
- тюрингия
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Thuringia — • A large part of Central Germany, bounded by the Werra River, the Saale, the Harz Mountains, and the Thuringian Forest Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Thuringia Thuringia … Catholic encyclopedia
THURINGIA — THURINGIA, state in Germany. Jewish merchants are recorded in Thuringia as early as the 10th century. Jewish communities, however, appeared relatively late. erfurt , the oldest Jewish settlement, dates from the 12th century. It became the… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Thuringia — steht für: Thuringia Versicherungs AG, 1853 in Erfurt gegründet, siehe Generali Deutschland Thuringia, Musik Album der deutschen Pagan Metal Band Menhir, siehe Menhir (Band) eine deutsche Ordensprovinz der Franziskanischen Orden Thuringia ist der … Deutsch Wikipedia
Thuringia — [tü′riŋ əntho͞o rin′jē ə, thyo͞orin′jē ə; thyo͞o rin′jə] state of central Germany: 6,244 sq mi (16,172 sq km); pop. 2,518,000; cap. Erfurt: Ger. name Thüringen [tü′riŋ ən] … English World dictionary
Thuringia — For steamships named Thuringia, see SS Thuringia. Thüringen redirects here. For the municipality in Austria, see Thüringen, Austria. Free State of Thuringia Freistaat Thüringen State of Germany … Wikipedia
Thuringia — Thuringian, adj., n. /thoo rin jee euh, jeuh/, n. a state in central Germany. 2,500,000; 5985 sq. mi. (15,550 sq. km) Cap.: Erfurt. German, Thüringen /tyuu rdding euhn/. * * * German Thüringen Historic region and state (pop., 2002 est.:… … Universalium
Thuringia — Known as Germany s green heart, Thuringiain the Weimar years bordered on Hesse in the west, Bavaria* in the south, Saxony* in the east, and Prussian Saxony (now Saxony Anhalt) in the north. Aside from its capital of Weimar, its chief cities… … Historical dictionary of Weimar Republik
Thuringia — Admin ASC 1 Code Orig. name Thuringia Country and Admin Code DE.15 DE … World countries Adminstrative division ASC I-II
Thuringia Forest (Germany) — Hotels: Ramada Hotel Friedrichroda (Friedrichroda) Ramada Hotel Panorama Oberhof (Oberhof Gehlberg) … International hotels
THURINGIA vulgo Thuringen — provinc. Saxoniae superioris ob fertilitatem Sumen German. dicta Georg. Agricolae. Alias amplior fuit, et Reges habuit proprios, tempore primae stirpis Franciae Regum: nunc valde imminuta. Subest partim Electori Saxoniae, partim Ducibus… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Thüringia (Asteroid) — Asteroid (934) Thüringia Eigenschaften des Orbits (Simulation) Orbittyp Hauptgürtelasteroid Große Halbachse 2,7509 … Deutsch Wikipedia