thrust of earth

thrust of earth
давление грунта

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "thrust of earth" в других словарях:

  • Thrust (Transformers) — Thrust is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes.Transformers: Generation 1Transformers character name = Thrust caption = The Decepticon Thrust Box Art affiliation = Decepticon subgroup = Seekers rank = 5… …   Wikipedia

  • Thrust-to-weight ratio — is, as its name suggests, the ratio of instantaneous thrust to weight (where weight means weight at the Earth’s surfaceSutton (7th edition pg 442) thrust to weight ratio F/Wg is a dimensionless parameter that is identical to the acceleration of… …   Wikipedia

  • Thrust fault — in the Qilian Shan, China. The older (left, blue and red) thrust over the younger (right, brown). A thrust fault is a type of fault, or break in the Earth s crust across which there has been relative movement, in which rocks of lower… …   Wikipedia

  • thrust — /thrust/, v., thrust, thrusting, n. v.t. 1. to push forcibly; shove; put or drive with force: He thrust his way through the crowd. She thrust a dagger into his back. 2. to put boldly forth or impose acceptance of: to thrust oneself into a… …   Universalium

  • Earth in science fiction — Earth An overwhelming majority of fiction is set on or features the Earth. However, authors of speculative fiction novels and writers and directors of science fiction film deal with Earth quite differently from authors of conventional fiction.… …   Wikipedia

  • Earth Day — is one of two observances, both held annually during spring in the northern hemisphere, and autumn in the southern hemisphere. These are intended to inspire awareness of and appreciation for the Earth s environment. The United Nations celebrates… …   Wikipedia

  • Earth Sciences — ▪ 2009 Introduction Geology and Geochemistry       The theme of the 33rd International Geological Congress, which was held in Norway in August 2008, was “Earth System Science: Foundation for Sustainable Development.” It was attended by nearly… …   Universalium

  • Earth and Space Sciences — ▪ 1996 Introduction GEOLOGY AND GEOCHEMISTRY       In 1995 significant developments took place in the realm of geologic mapping, which provides the foundation for the presentation and comparison of data in the Earth sciences. The most important… …   Universalium

  • Thrust (Beast Machines) — Transformers character name = Thrust caption = The Vehicon Thrust affiliation = Vehicon subgroup = Deluxe Vehicles function = Cycle Drone General partner = Jetstorm and Tankor, later Obsidian and Strika motto = There are no rules on the road only …   Wikipedia

  • Earth Return Vehicle — The Earth Return Vehicle (ERV) forms a part of the Mars Direct humans to Mars mission concept first developed by Doctor Robert Zubrin and David Baker in the early 1990s. cite book |author=Glen Holden; Hanlon, Michael |authorlink= |editor= |others …   Wikipedia

  • thrust — 01. The young boy [thrust] the note into the girl s hands, and walked quickly away. 02. The picnic basket was hurriedly [thrust] into the back of the car, and we were off. 03. The governor [thrust] his way into the crowd of supporters, smiling… …   Grammatical examples in English

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