
косм., воен. забрасываемый вес (космонавтика) (военное) забрасываемый вес

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "throw-weight" в других словарях:

  • Throw-weight — is a measure of the effective weight of ballistic missile payloads. It is measured in kilograms or metric tons. Throw weight equals the total weight of a missile s warheads, reentry vehicles, self contained dispensing mechanisms, penetration aids …   Wikipedia

  • throw-weight — [thrō′wāt΄] n. the payload capacity of an ICBM: also throw weight * * * throw weight or throw weight (thrōʹwāt ) n. The total weight of the warhead or warheads, guidance systems, and other payload of a missile, not including the weight of the… …   Universalium

  • throw-weight — [thrō′wāt΄] n. the payload capacity of an ICBM: also throw weight …   English World dictionary

  • throw weight — throw′ weight n. mil the maximum payload of a ballistic missile, usu. expressed as the explosive power of its warhead • Etymology: 1965–70 …   From formal English to slang

  • throw weight — noun : the maximum payload of an ICBM * * * the lifting power, or payload maximum, of a ballistic missile exclusive of the weight of the rocket itself, and including the weight of the warhead or warheads and of guidance and penetration systems;… …   Useful english dictionary

  • throw weight — the lifting power, or payload maximum, of a ballistic missile exclusive of the weight of the rocket itself, and including the weight of the warhead or warheads and of guidance and penetration systems; ballistic delivery power: larger Soviet… …   Universalium

  • throw-weight — noun the weight of the payload of a missile (not including the weight of the rocket) • Hypernyms: ↑weight …   Useful english dictionary

  • throw-weight — /ˈθroʊ weɪt/ (say throh wayt) noun the weight of a ballistic missile exclusive of the weight of the rocket which propels it …  

  • throw weight around — throw (your) weight around to behave in a way which shows that you are more important or powerful than other people. He tries to impress the rest of us by throwing his weight around at committee meetings …   New idioms dictionary

  • throw weight — noun Date: 1969 the maximum payload of an ICBM …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • throw — [θrəʊ ǁ θroʊ] verb threw PASTTENSE [θruː] thrown PASTPART [θrəʊn ǁ θroʊn] [transitive] 1. throw money at to try to solve a problem by spending a lot of money, without really thinking about the problem: • There is no point throwing money at the… …   Financial and business terms

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