through penetration

through penetration
сквозное проплавление

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "through penetration" в других словарях:

  • Penetration — can refer to:* Sexual penetration * Market penetration, the degree to which a product or service is known and/or used * Penetration (telecommunications) * Penetration (firestop), an opening in a wall or floor assembly required to have a fire… …   Wikipedia

  • Penetration (warfare) — Penetration is a term in warfare referring to the of, and moving past, a defensive military line. The term is associated with both ground and aerial combat.Ground combatPenetration is a strategic military maneuver much like the Pincer maneuver… …   Wikipedia

  • penetration per anum — Penetration through the external terminus of the alimentary canal. 48 Am J1st Sod § 2 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • Penetration (weapons) — Strictly speaking, penetration refers to a projectile entering a target without passing through it and perforation refers to a projectile completely passing through the target, but penetration is commonly used to refer to both. Penetration into a …   Wikipedia

  • penetration — pen|e|tra|tion [ˌpenıˈtreıʃən] n 1.) [U and C] when something or someone enters or passes through something, especially when this is difficult ▪ Cover the entire device to prevent water penetration. penetration of ▪ The attack failed to lead to… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Penetration (artistic) — A Penetration is an artist s act of placing an artwork within another artist s already existing exhibition. A Penetration is done by an artist wanting to express pertinent and relevant thoughts. He/she contacts a colleague and asks for a space to …   Wikipedia

  • penetration — noun 1. an attack that penetrates into enemy territory (Freq. 2) • Syn: ↑incursion • Hypernyms: ↑attack, ↑onslaught, ↑onset, ↑onrush • Hyponyms …   Useful english dictionary

  • Penetration (telecommunications) — In telecommunication, the term penetration has the following meanings: # The passage through a partition or wall of an equipment or enclosure by a wire, cable, or other conductive object. # The unauthorized act of bypassing the security… …   Wikipedia

  • penetration — penetrate ► VERB 1) force a way into or through. 2) infiltrate (an enemy organization or a competitor s market). 3) understand or gain insight into. 4) (penetrating) (of a sound) clearly heard through or above other sounds. 5) (of a man) insert… …   English terms dictionary

  • Penetration aid — A penetration aid is a device or tactic used to increase an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) warhead s chances of penetrating a target s defenses. These can consist of both physical devices carried within the ICBM, as well as tactics… …   Wikipedia

  • pénétration entre deux jonctions p-n — dviejų pn sandūrų pradūra statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. punch through between two p n junctions vok. Durchgriff zwischen zwei p n Übergängen, m rus. прокол между двумя p n переходами, m; смыкание между двумя p n переходами …   Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas

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