thrill with

thrill with
испытывать трепет to thrill with horror ≈ трепетать от ужаса

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "thrill with" в других словарях:

  • thrill — vb Thrill, electrify, enthuse are comparable when they mean to fill with emotions that stir or excite physically and mentally or to be stirred by such emotions. Thrill suggests pervasion by emotions that set one atingle or aquiver (as with… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Thrill — Thrill, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Thrilled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Thrilling}.] [OE. thrillen, [thorn]irlen, [thorn]urlen, to pierce; all probably fr. AS. [thorn]yrlian, [thorn]yrelian, Fr. [thorn]yrel pierced; as a noun, a hole, fr. [thorn]urh through;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Thrill Kill Jack in Hale Manor — is a 2000 independent comedy film produced by the Hale Manor Collective, a trio of Connecticut filmmakers consisting of Mike Aransky, Phil Guerrette and Thomas Edward Seymour. The film parodies action/adventure flicks by following the mystical… …   Wikipedia

  • Thrill of a Lifetime — is a television reality series created by Sidney M. Cohen and Willie Stein ( Orange Colored Sky ). It was telecast from 1981 to 1988 in Canada on the CTV network. It gave viewers the chance to live their dreams, with thrills ranging from… …   Wikipedia

  • thrill — [thril] vt. [ME thrillen, by metathesis < thyrlen < OE thyr(e)lian, to pierce < thyrel, perforation, hole < base of thurh,THROUGH] 1. to cause sharply exhilarating excitement in; make shiver or tingle with excitement 2. to produce… …   English World dictionary

  • thrill´ing|ness — thrill|ing «THRIHL ihng», adjective. 1. affecting with a thrill of emotion: »wild thrilling sounds (Herman Melville). 2. vibrating or quivering. 3. Obsolete. piercing. –thrill´ing|ly, adverb. –thrill´ing|ness, noun …   Useful english dictionary

  • thrill´ing|ly — thrill|ing «THRIHL ihng», adjective. 1. affecting with a thrill of emotion: »wild thrilling sounds (Herman Melville). 2. vibrating or quivering. 3. Obsolete. piercing. –thrill´ing|ly, adverb. –thrill´ing|ness, noun …   Useful english dictionary

  • thrill|ing — «THRIHL ihng», adjective. 1. affecting with a thrill of emotion: »wild thrilling sounds (Herman Melville). 2. vibrating or quivering. 3. Obsolete. piercing. –thrill´ing|ly, adverb. –thrill´ing|ness, noun …   Useful english dictionary

  • Thrill — Thrill, v. i. 1. To pierce, as something sharp; to penetrate; especially, to cause a tingling sensation that runs through the system with a slight shivering; as, a sharp sound thrills through the whole frame. [1913 Webster] I have a faint cold… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • thrill — ► NOUN 1) a sudden feeling of excitement and pleasure. 2) an exciting or pleasurable experience. 3) a wave or nervous tremor of emotion or sensation. ► VERB 1) have or cause to have a thrill. 2) (of an emotion or sensation) pass with a nervous… …   English terms dictionary

  • thrill|er — «THRIHL uhr», noun. 1. a person or thing that thrills: »For 75 minutes the plane circled. The final landing was a thriller (Time). 2. Informal. a play, story, or motion picture filled with excitement or suspense: »There has been no better… …   Useful english dictionary

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