three-piece — /three pees /, adj. 1. Clothing. consisting of three matching or harmonious pieces, as an ensemble of coat, skirt, and blouse for a woman or a suit of a jacket, vest, and pair of trousers for a man. 2. having three parts. n. 3. a three piece… … Universalium
three-piece — three′ piece′ adj. 1) clo (of clothing) consisting of three matching or harmonious pieces 2) having three parts • Etymology: 1905–10 … From formal English to slang
three-piece — ► ADJECTIVE 1) consisting of three matching items. 2) (of a set of furniture) consisting of a sofa and two armchairs. 3) (of a set of clothes) consisting of trousers or a skirt with a waistcoat and jacket … English terms dictionary
three-piece — [thrē′pēs′] adj. composed of three separate pieces, as an outfit of skirt, sweater, and jacket … English World dictionary
three-piece — adjective (of clothing) made in or consisting of three parts or pieces the standard three piece business suit; jacket and trousers and vest • Ant: ↑one piece, ↑two piece … Useful english dictionary
three-piece — 1) ADJ: ADJ n A three piece suit is a set of three pieces of matching clothing, usually a man s jacket, waistcoat, and trousers. 2) ADJ: ADJ n A three piece suite is a sofa and two matching armchairs. [mainly BRIT] … English dictionary
three-piece — /ˈθri pis/ (say three pees) adjective 1. consisting of three matching pieces, as a woman s coat, skirt and blouse, a man s jacket, trousers and waistcoat, or a lounge and two chairs. 2. having three parts. –noun 3. a three piece outfit, suit, etc …
three-piece — adjective Date: 1904 consisting of or made in three pieces < a three piece suit > … New Collegiate Dictionary
three-piece — adj. Three piece is used with these nouns: ↑suit, ↑suite … Collocations dictionary
three-piece suite — UK US noun [countable] [singular three piece suite plural three piece suites] a set of two chairs and a sofa that match each other Thesaurus: chairs and parts of chairs … Useful english dictionary
three-piece ensemble — three piece suit, suit with three parts (pants, jacket, and vest) … English contemporary dictionary