Смотреть что такое "three-logarithm" в других словарях:
Logarithm — Log a*rithm (l[o^]g [.a]*r[i^][th] m), n. [Gr. lo gos word, account, proportion + ariqmo s number: cf. F. logarithme.] (Math.) One of a class of auxiliary numbers, devised by John Napier, of Merchiston, Scotland (1550 1617), to abridge… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Logarithm — The graph of the logarithm to base 2 crosses the x axis (horizontal axis) at 1 and passes through the points with coordinates (2, 1), (4, 2), and (8, 3) … Wikipedia
Logarithm of a matrix — In mathematics, a logarithm of a matrix is another matrix such that the matrix exponential of the latter matrix equals the original matrix. It is thus a generalization of the scalar logarithm and in some sense an inverse function of the matrix… … Wikipedia
Three-pass protocol — In cryptography, the three pass protocol for sending messages is a framework which allows one party to securely send a message to a second party without the need to exchange or distribute encryption keys. This message protocol should not be… … Wikipedia
Arithmetical complement of a logarithm — Logarithm Log a*rithm (l[o^]g [.a]*r[i^][th] m), n. [Gr. lo gos word, account, proportion + ariqmo s number: cf. F. logarithme.] (Math.) One of a class of auxiliary numbers, devised by John Napier, of Merchiston, Scotland (1550 1617), to abridge… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Hyperbolic logarithm — Logarithm Log a*rithm (l[o^]g [.a]*r[i^][th] m), n. [Gr. lo gos word, account, proportion + ariqmo s number: cf. F. logarithme.] (Math.) One of a class of auxiliary numbers, devised by John Napier, of Merchiston, Scotland (1550 1617), to abridge… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Napierian logarithm — Logarithm Log a*rithm (l[o^]g [.a]*r[i^][th] m), n. [Gr. lo gos word, account, proportion + ariqmo s number: cf. F. logarithme.] (Math.) One of a class of auxiliary numbers, devised by John Napier, of Merchiston, Scotland (1550 1617), to abridge… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Natural logarithm — Logarithm Log a*rithm (l[o^]g [.a]*r[i^][th] m), n. [Gr. lo gos word, account, proportion + ariqmo s number: cf. F. logarithme.] (Math.) One of a class of auxiliary numbers, devised by John Napier, of Merchiston, Scotland (1550 1617), to abridge… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Complex logarithm — A single branch of the complex logarithm. The hue of the color is used to show the arg (polar coordinate angle) of the complex logarithm. The saturation (intensity) of the color is used to show the modulus of the complex logarithm. The page with… … Wikipedia
Discrete logarithm records — are the best results achieved to date in solving the discrete logarithm problem, which is the problem of finding solutions x to the equation gx = h given elements g and h of a finite cyclic group G. The difficulty of this problem… … Wikipedia
Hadamard three-circle theorem — In complex analysis, a branch of mathematics, the Hadamard three circle theorem is a result about the behavior of holomorphic functions.Let f(z) be a holomorphic function on the annulus :r 1leqleft| z ight| leq r 3. Let M(r) be the maximum of… … Wikipedia