thorny problem

thorny problem
запутанный вопрос, сложная проблема Syn : complicated problem, involved problem, knotty problem

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "thorny problem" в других словарях:

  • thorny — [thôr′nē] adj. thornier, thorniest 1. full of thorns; brambly; prickly 2. having thorns or spines: said of some animals 3. like a thorn; sharp 4. full of obstacles, vexations, pain, etc. [the thorny road to peace] 5. full of controversial points …   English World dictionary

  • problem — prob|lem W1S1 [ˈprɔbləm US ˈpra: ] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(difficulty)¦ 2 3¦(question)¦ 4 no problem 5 the (only) problem is (that) ... 6 that s your/his etc problem 7 it s/that s not my problem 8 What s your/his etc problem? 9 Do …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • problem — n. unsettled question source of difficulty 1) to cause, create, pose, present a problem 2) to address, tackle; bring up, raise; resolve, settle, solve a problem 3) an acute, difficult, major, pressing, serious; insoluble, insurmountable problem… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • thorny — [[t]θɔ͟ː(r)ni[/t]] thornier, thorniest 1) ADJ: usu ADJ n A thorny plant or tree is covered with thorns. ...thorny hawthorn trees. 2) ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n If you describe a problem as thorny, you mean that it is very complicated and difficult to… …   English dictionary

  • thorny — adjective (thornier; est) Date: before 12th century 1. full of thorns 2. full of difficulties or controversial points ; ticklish < a thorny problem > • thorniness noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • thorny — UK [ˈθɔː(r)nɪ] / US [ˈθɔrnɪ] adjective Word forms thorny : adjective thorny comparative thornier superlative thorniest 1) a thorny issue, problem, subject etc is one that is difficult to deal with the thorny issue of land ownership Now we come to …   English dictionary

  • problem — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 sth that causes difficulties ADJECTIVE ▪ acute, big, enormous, grave, great, huge, important, major, serious, significant …   Collocations dictionary

  • thorny — thorn|y [ˈθo:ni US ˈθo:rni] adj 1.) a thorny question/problem/issue etc a question etc that is complicated and difficult ▪ the thorny question of immigration policy 2.) a thorny bush, plant etc has thorns >thorniness n [U] …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • thorny — thorn|y [ θɔrni ] adjective 1. ) a thorny issue, problem, subject, etc. is one that is difficult to deal with: the thorny issue of land ownership Now we come to the thorny question of cost. 2. ) covered with thorns …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • thorny — adjective 1 thorny question/problem/point/issue a question etc that is complicated and difficult: The thorny question of redundancies will have to be tackled sooner or later. 2 a thorny bush, plant etc has thorns thorniness noun (U) …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • thorny issue —    If you are faced with a thorny issue, you have to deal with a difficult or unpleasant problem.     Copyright and content duplication are thorny issues these days …   English Idioms & idiomatic expressions

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