Смотреть что такое "thoraces" в других словарях:
thoraces — pl of THORAX * * * tho·ra·ces (thoґrə sēz) plural of thorax … Medical dictionary
thoraces — tho·ra·ces (thôrʹə sēz , thōrʹ ) n. A plural of thorax. * * * … Universalium
thoraces — tho·rax || θɔËræks n. area between the neck and abdomen, chest (of four legged animals); middle body segment of an insect crustacean or arachnid … English contemporary dictionary
thoraces — plural of thorax … Useful english dictionary
CRATES Aeratae — apud Statium, l. 4. Theb. v. 110. ubi de lucta Acheloi cum Hercule. Omnibus aeratae propugnant pectora crates, Pilaque saeva manu Aere scil. seu ferrô obductae, ait verus Scholiastes. quae mens fuit dubia tamen Lipsio de Mil. Rom. l. 3. c. 6.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
thorax — noun (plural thoraxes or thoraces) Etymology: Middle English, from Latin thorac , thorax breastplate, thorax, from Greek thōrak , thōrax Date: 15th century 1. the part of the mammalian body between the neck and the abdomen; also its cavity in… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Feticide — or foeticide is an act that causes the death of a fetus. [ [ Definitions of feticide from] .] In a legal context, fetal homicide refers to the deliberate or incidental killing of a… … Wikipedia
Mythicomyiidae — Undescribed psiloderoidine genus from Australia. Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia … Wikipedia
Jarcho-Levin syndrome — is a rare, heritable axial skeleton growth disorder. It is characterized by widespread and sometimes severe malformations of the vertebral column and ribs, shortened thorax, and moderate to severe scoliosis and kyphosis. Individuals with Jarcho… … Wikipedia
Mantis — For other uses, see Praying mantis (disambiguation) and Mantis (disambiguation). Mantodea Temporal range: 145–0 Ma … Wikipedia
thorax — n.; pl. thoraxes, thoraces [Gr. thorax, chest] 1. (ARTHROPODA: Chelicerata) In Arachnida, fused with the head to form the cephalothorax of spiders. 2. (ARTHROPODA: Crustacea) The tagma between the cephalon and abdomen comprising the anterior part … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology