Смотреть что такое "thole-pin" в других словарях:
Thole pin — Thole Thole, n. [Written also {thowel}, and {thowl}.] [OE. thol, AS. [thorn]ol; akin to D. dol, Icel. [thorn]ollr a fir tree, a young fir, a tree, a thole.] 1. A wooden or metal pin, set in the gunwale of a boat, to serve as a fulcrum for the oar … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
thole|pin — «THOHL PIHN», noun. = thole. (Cf. ↑thole) … Useful english dictionary
thole pin — n. a pin, typically one of a pair, fitted to the gunwale of a rowboat to act as the fulcrum for an oar Origin: Old English, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch dol … Useful english dictionary
thole-pin — … Useful english dictionary
Thole — Thole, n. [Written also {thowel}, and {thowl}.] [OE. thol, AS. [thorn]ol; akin to D. dol, Icel. [thorn]ollr a fir tree, a young fir, a tree, a thole.] 1. A wooden or metal pin, set in the gunwale of a boat, to serve as a fulcrum for the oar in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
thole — Ⅰ. thole [1] (also thole pin) ► NOUN ▪ a pin fitted to the gunwale of a rowing boat to act as the fulcrum for an oar. ORIGIN Old English. Ⅱ. thole [2] ► VERB Scottish or archaic ▪ … English terms dictionary
thole — thole1 [θəʊl] (also thole pin) noun a pin, typically one of a pair, fitted to the gunwale of a rowing boat and on which an oar pivots. Origin OE, of Gmc origin. thole2 [θəʊl] verb Scottish or archaic endure without complaint; tolerate. Orig … English new terms dictionary
thole — [[t]θoʊl[/t]] n. naut. navig. a pin, or either of two pins, inserted into a gunwale to provide a fulcrum for an oar. Also called thole′pin [[t] ˌpɪn[/t]] • Etymology: bef. 900; ME tholle, OE tholl, c. OFris tholl, ON thollr fir tree, peg … From formal English to slang
thole — 1. n. (in full thole pin) 1 a pin in the gunwale of a boat as the fulcrum for an oar. 2 each of two such pins forming a rowlock. Etymology: OE thol fir tree, peg 2. Sc. or archaic 1 undergo or suffer (pain, grief, etc.). 2 permit or admit… … Useful english dictionary
thole — thole1 [thōl] n. [ME tholle < OE thol, akin to ON thollr, Du dol < IE * teul < base * tēu , to swell > THUMB] a pin or either of a pair of pins made of metal or wood and set vertically in the gunwale of a boat to serve as a fulcrum… … English World dictionary
pin — I. /pɪn / (say pin) noun 1. a small, slender, sometimes tapered or pointed piece of wood, metal, etc., used to fasten, or hold things together, to hang things upon, to stop up holes, or to convey or check motion; a bolt; peg. 2. a small, thin… …