this once
Смотреть что такое "this once" в других словарях:
just this once — (just) for ˈonce | just this ˈonce idiom (informal) on this occasion (which is in contrast to what happens usually) • Just for once he arrived on time. • Can t you be nice to each other just this once? … Useful english dictionary
for once (or this once) — on this occasion only. → once … English new terms dictionary
(just) this once — phrase used for emphasizing that this is the only time that something will happen Won’t you come with me to a concert – just this once? Thesaurus: happening only oncesynonym Main entry: once … Useful english dictionary
for this once — ► for once (or this once) on this occasion only. Main Entry: ↑once … English terms dictionary
once — [ wʌns ] function word *** Once can be used in the following ways: as an adverb: I only met him once. They ve been here once before. as a conjunction: Once you get there, you ll love it. as a noun (after for or at ): For once I wish you d tell me … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Once — (w[u^]ns), adv. [OE. ones, anes, an adverbial form fr. one, on, an, one. See {One }, { Wards}.] 1. For one time; by limitation to the number one; not twice nor any number of times more than one. [1913 Webster] Ye shall . . . go round about the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Once and again — Once Once (w[u^]ns), adv. [OE. ones, anes, an adverbial form fr. one, on, an, one. See {One }, { Wards}.] 1. For one time; by limitation to the number one; not twice nor any number of times more than one. [1913 Webster] Ye shall . . . go round… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
once — ► ADVERB 1) on one occasion or for one time only. 2) at all; on even one occasion: he never once complained. 3) formerly. 4) multiplied by one. ► CONJUNCTION ▪ as soon as; when. ● all at once … English terms dictionary
once — [wuns] adv. [ME ones, gen. of on,ONE] 1. one time; one time only [to eat once a day] 2. at any time; at all; ever [she ll succeed if once given a chance] 3. at some time in the past; formerly [a once famous man] 4. by one degree or g … English World dictionary
once — once1 W1S1 [wʌns] adv [Date: 1200 1300; Origin: one] 1.) on one occasion only ▪ I ve only met her once. ▪ Paul s been to Wexford once before . (just) the once BrE spoken ▪ Mrs Peterson came in to see Ruth just the once. 2.) … Dictionary of contemporary English
once */*/*/ — UK [wʌns] / US adverb, conjunction, noun Summary: Once can be used in the following ways: as an adverb: I only met him once. ♦ They ve been here once before. as a conjunction: Once you get there, you ll love it. as a noun (after for or at ): For… … English dictionary