- this day week
- неделю тому назад через неделю
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
this day week — phrasal : the same day a week after or before * * * this day week A week from today • • • Main Entry: ↑week … Useful english dictionary
this day week — one week from today … English contemporary dictionary
Three-Day Week — The Three Day Week was one of several measures introduced in the United Kingdom by the Conservative Government 1970 1974 to conserve electricity, the production of which was severely limited due to industrial action by coal miners. The effect was … Wikipedia
Four-day week — A four day week is an arrangement where a workplace or school has its employees or students work or attend school over the course of four days rather than the more customary five. While this has been a part of flexible working hours, in mid 2008… … Wikipedia
week — [wēk] n. [ME weke < OE wicu with lengthened & lowered vowel, akin to Ger woche (OHG wohha) < IE * weig , to bend (see WEAK): basic sense “period of change”] 1. a period of seven days, esp. one beginning with Sunday and ending with Saturday… … English World dictionary
Day of Atonement (Christian holiday) — This article is about a Christian holiday. See Yom Kippur known as the Day [of] Atonement about Judaism s Day of Atonement Jewish holiday. The Christian Day of Atonement is based on the Latin translation of * the Jewish holiday Yom Kippur. The… … Wikipedia
this - these — This and these are used in a number of different ways when you are referring to people, things, situations, events, or periods of time. They can both be used as determiners or pronouns. These is the plural form of this. ◊ referring back You can… … Useful english dictionary
Day & Age — Studio album by The Killers Released November 18, 2008 … Wikipedia
day — [ deı ] noun *** 1. ) count one of the periods of time that a week is divided into, equal to 24 hours: We re going away for five days. The animals are kept inside for 14 hours a day. 24 hours a day (=during the whole of the day and night): The… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Day of the Dead — This article is about the Latin American holiday. For other uses, see Day of the Dead (disambiguation). Day of the Dead ofrenda … Wikipedia
week — O.E. wice, from P.Gmc. *wikon (Cf. O.N. vika, O.Fris. wike, M.Du. weke, O.H.G. wecha, Ger. woche), probably originally with the sense of a turning or succession (Cf. Goth. wikon in the course of, O.N. vika sea mile, originally change of oar … Etymology dictionary