third proportional

third proportional
мат. третий член пропорции

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "third proportional" в других словарях:

  • third proportional — third proportional, Mathematics. the final term of a proportion having three variables, the second and third terms being the mean proportional. Example: In the proportion, 2 is to 4 as 4 is to 8, the third proportional is 8 …   Useful english dictionary

  • Proportional reasoning — Proportional ReasoningProportionality is a mathematical relation between two quantities. Proportional reasoning is one of the skills a child acquires when progressing from the stage of concrete operations to the stage of formal operations… …   Wikipedia

  • Proportional (fair division) — Proportional division or simple fair division is the original and simplest problem in fair division. Fair division problems are also called cake cutting problems. A proportional division of a cake between N people would ensure each of them got at …   Wikipedia

  • Third party (United States) — The term third party is used in the United States for a political party other than one of the two major parties, at present, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. It is used as (innumerate) shorthand for all such parties, or sometimes… …   Wikipedia

  • Third party (politics) — In a two party system of politics, the term third party is sometimes applied to a party other than the two dominant ones. While technically the term is limited to the third largest party or third oldest party, it is common, though innumerate,… …   Wikipedia

  • Third Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland Bill, 1958 — The Third Amendment of the Constitution Bill, 1958 was a proposal to amend the Constitution of Ireland to alter the electoral system. The proposal was rejected.Proposed changes to the textThe subject matter of the referendum was described as… …   Wikipedia

  • Third National Government of New Zealand — The Third National Government of New Zealand (often also known as the Muldoon government) was the government of New Zealand from 1975 to 1984. It was an economically and socially conservative government, which aimed to preserve the Keynesian… …   Wikipedia

  • Third Dáil — The Third Dáil, also known as the Provisional Parliament or the Constituent Assembly, was the parliament of the post partition twenty six county Irish state that met from 9 September 1922 to 9 August 1923. Depending on whether one relied on… …   Wikipedia

  • third-order reaction — noun Etymology: third order from the phrase third order : a chemical reaction in which the rate of reaction is proportional to the concentration of each of three reacting molecules compare order of a reaction …   Useful english dictionary

  • Parameter — Pa*ram e*ter, n. [Pref. para + meter: cf. F. param[ e]tre.] 1. A constant number which is part of a theory, function, or calculation, whose value is not determined by the form of the theory or equation itself, and may in some cases be arbitrary… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Italy — /it l ee/, n. a republic in S Europe, comprising a peninsula S of the Alps, and Sicily, Sardinia, Elba, and other smaller islands: a kingdom 1870 1946. 57,534,088; 116,294 sq. mi. (301,200 sq. km). Cap.: Rome. Italian, Italia. * * * Italy… …   Universalium

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