third class

third class
третий класс (на пароходе, в поезде) третья группа (студенты, получившие на экзамене оценку "удовлетворительно") (американизм) непериодическая почта (типографски отпечатанные материалы типа объявлений, каталогов и т. п. весом до 500 грамм;
тж. * matter) третьего класса - * compartment купе третьего класса - * carriage вагон третьего класса третьим классом - to travel * ездить /путешествовать/ в третьем классе /третьим классом/, ездить в купе или в каютах третьего класса

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "third class" в других словарях:

  • third-class — [thʉrd′klas′] adj. 1. of the class, rank, excellence, etc. next below the second 2. designating or of accommodations next below the second class ☆ 3. designating or of a lower cost class of mail limited to merchandise weighing less than 16 oz or… …   English World dictionary

  • third class — n [U] 1.) a cheap class of mail in the US, usually used for sending advertisements 2.) the lowest type of degree that is given by a British university 3.) old fashioned the cheapest and least comfortable part of a train or ship >third class… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • third-class — adjective 1. ) of very low quality: THIRD RATE 2. ) relating to a very cheap and low standard of travel on trains and ships in the past 3. ) a third class degree is the lowest type of HONORS degree that you can get from a university in the U.K.… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • third class — ► NOUN 1) a set of people or things considered together as the third best. 2) Brit. the third highest division in the results of the examinations for a university degree. 3) US a cheap class of mail for unsealed printed material. 4) chiefly… …   English terms dictionary

  • third class — third′ class′ n. 1) the class, grade, or rank immediately below the second 2) the least costly class of accommodations, as on trains Compare tourist class 3) phi (in the U.S. Postal Service) the class of mail consisting of merchandise weighing up …   From formal English to slang

  • third-class — third′ class′ adj. of the lowest class or quality; inferior • Etymology: 1830–40 …   From formal English to slang

  • third class — noun 1. ) a type of cheap mail in the U.S., usually used for sending advertisements 2. ) uncount a very cheap and low standard of travel on trains and ships in the past 3. ) count the lowest grade that you can get for an HONORS degree from a… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • third-class — I. adj Belonging to the third class; of the third highest or best class. Much advertising is sent by third class mall. I bought a third class airline ticket to Hawaii. II. adv By third class. How did you send the package? third class. We traveled …   Словарь американских идиом

  • third class — {n.} 1. The third best or highest group; the class next after the second class. * /Mary won the pie making contest in the third class, for the youngest girls./ 2. Mail that is printed, other than magazines and newspapers that are published… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • third class — {n.} 1. The third best or highest group; the class next after the second class. * /Mary won the pie making contest in the third class, for the youngest girls./ 2. Mail that is printed, other than magazines and newspapers that are published… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • third\ class — noun 1. the third best or highest group; the class next after the second class. Mary won the pie making contest in the third class, for the youngest girls. 2. Mail that is printed, other than magazines and newspapers that are published regularly …   Словарь американских идиом

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