Смотреть что такое "thionine" в других словарях:
thionine — [ tjɔnin ] n. f. • 1897; de thion (var. de thio ) et ine ♦ Chim. Matière colorante, dite aussi violet de Lauth. ● thionine nom féminin Colorant thiazinique bleu. (On la retrouve dans le violet de Lauth et le bleu de méthylène.) thionine [tjɔnin]… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Thionine — Thi on*ine, n. [Gr. ? brimstone, sulphur.] (Chem.) An artificial red or violet dyestuff consisting of a complex sulphur derivative of certain aromatic diamines, and obtained as a dark crystalline powder; called also {phenylene violet}. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
thionine — [thī′ə nēn΄, thī′ənin] n. 〚< Gr theion, sulfur (see THIO ) + INE3〛 a dark green crystalline thiazine base, C12H9N3S, producing a violet dye in solution, used esp. as a stain in microscopy * * * … Universalium
thionine — [thī′ə nēn΄, thī′ənin] n. [< Gr theion, sulfur (see THIO ) + INE3] a dark green crystalline thiazine base, C12H9N3S, producing a violet dye in solution, used esp. as a stain in microscopy … English World dictionary
Thionine — Les Thionines sont une famille de peptides présentes dans les plantes supérieures. Une thionine est constituée de 45 à 48 acides aminés, dont 6 à 8 cystéines formant 3 à 4 ponts disulfures. Propriétés de coloration Certaines thionines sont… … Wikipédia en Français
thionine — Amidophenthiazine; a dark green powder, giving a purple solution in water; useful as a basic stain in histology for chromatin and mucin because of its metachromatic properties. SYN: Lauth violet. * * * thi·o·nine … Medical dictionary
Thionine — Thi·o·nine … English syllables
thionine — /ˈθaɪənaɪn/ (say thuyuhnuyn), / in/ (say een) noun 1. a thiazine derivative occurring in dark crystalline plates, used as a violet dye, as in staining microscopic objects. 2. any of various related dyes. {Greek theion sulphur + ine2} …
Thionine — ˈthīəˌnēn, nə̇n trademark used for a dark crystalline basic dye of the thiazine class that is the parent compound of methylene blue and is used chiefly as a biological stain … Useful english dictionary
phenylene violet — Thionine Thi on*ine, n. [Gr. ? brimstone, sulphur.] (Chem.) An artificial red or violet dyestuff consisting of a complex sulphur derivative of certain aromatic diamines, and obtained as a dark crystalline powder; called also {phenylene violet}.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
thionique — [ tjɔnik ] adj. • 1858; de thion (var. de thio ) et ique ♦ Chim. Qui concerne le soufre. Série thionique : série des acides oxygénés du soufre. ● thionique adjectif Se dit des acides de formule générale SnO6H2 avec n compris ent … Encyclopédie Universelle