- think aloud
- думать вслух, размышлять вслух Sorry, I wasn't talking to you, I was just thinking aloud. ≈ Простите, это я не Вам;
так, мысли вслух.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
think aloud — To utter one s thoughts unintentionally • • • Main Entry: ↑think * * * think aloud (or think out loud) : to say your thoughts so that other people can hear them No, I wasn t talking to you. I was just thinking out loud. • • • Main Entry: ↑think … Useful english dictionary
think\ aloud — • think aloud • think out loud v To say what you are thinking. I wish I had more money for Christmas presents, Father thought aloud. What did you say? said Mother. Father answered, I m sorry. I wasn t talking to you. I was thinking out loud … Словарь американских идиом
Think aloud protocol — is a method used to gather data in usability testing in product design and development, in psychology and a range of social sciences. The think aloud method was developed by Clayton Lewis while he was at IBM, and is explained in C. Lewis and J.… … Wikipedia
Think-Aloud-Protokoll — Das Think Aloud Protokoll (oder auch Think Aloud Methode) ist eine Methode, die genutzt wird, um Daten für die pädagogische Forschung und einem breiten Bereich der weiteren Sozialwissenschaften (z. B. Pretest Verfahren) zu sammeln. Die Think… … Deutsch Wikipedia
think aloud protocol — noun A data gathering method used in a variety of research areas in which a person or a group of people are asked to verbalise their thought processes as they do a specific task which are then recorded on paper, audio or video for further… … Wiktionary
think aloud — or[think out loud] {v.} To say what you are thinking. * / I wish I had more money for Christmas presents, Father thought aloud. What did you say? said Mother. Father answered, I m sorry. I wasn t talking to you. I was thinking out loud. / … Dictionary of American idioms
think aloud — or[think out loud] {v.} To say what you are thinking. * / I wish I had more money for Christmas presents, Father thought aloud. What did you say? said Mother. Father answered, I m sorry. I wasn t talking to you. I was thinking out loud. / … Dictionary of American idioms
think aloud — express one s thoughts as they occur. → think … English new terms dictionary
think aloud loud — think aˈloud/out ˈloud idiom to say what your thoughts are as you have them Main entry: ↑thinkidiom … Useful english dictionary
think aloud — reflect out loud by saying what you are thinking … English contemporary dictionary
think — think1 [thiŋk] vt. thought, thinking [< ME thenchen, to think, confused with thinchen, to seem < OE thencan < PGmc * thankjan, to think: for IE base see THANK] 1. to form or have in the mind; conceive [thinking good thoughts] 2. to hold… … English World dictionary